
This page provides links to all videos from all parts of the website in one place. Think of this as the "videos homepage". All videos are linked from various other parts of the website.

Most Important Teachings For You To Watch

  • The Good News of יהושע (Yahushua)!
  • Sin Is Transgression of The Law - This video was produced by and with permission from brother EliYah we are re-posting this video on our website also. This is a crucial, crucial video for people to watch. One of the biggest incorrect teachings which is wide-spread in Christianity is a teaching that makes people believe it is not a sin to disobey the laws of our Creator from Genesis to Malachi. However, the truth is that it IS a sin anytime we disobey anything our Creator has said to do. If we properly understand that it is a sin to break the law, then we also come to a fuller and more correct and complete understanding of what it means to Repent as well. We also come to a more complete picture of what it means to LOVE our Heavenly Father and one another! Has someone told you it is not wrong to disobey our Creator? Were you taught the laws are abolished? Many people misunderstand Paul's writings. Many Christians have misunderstood what Christ really taught. The laws are what helps us understand how to love our Creator and Love each other. If we disobey any of them, then we are not loving, and we are sinning. So breaking the laws of our Creator is sinful. We must turn away from sin, which includes turning away from law-breaking. We must believe, repent, and be immersed in the Name of Yahushua HaMashiach of Natsareth for the remission of sins. Don't let the false teachings out there lead you astray: Our Creator's law teaches us how to love and He is calling us back to walk with Him in accordance to all of His Word.
  • How To Understand Paul - What Authority He Has - Why It's Dangerous To Reject Him - This link also has written information related to the man commonly referred to as "Paul"; also known as Sha'ul and Paulus. I may make more videos later along this subject, but this is a good start. This video also has information about the Sabbath Assembly Reading Schedule, so it is also available here as well - except this second link doesn't have the additional written info related to Sha'ul (Paulus).
  • Being Malleable And Exercising Spiritual Muscles - It doesn't always feel good to go where Yahweh is leading us. How can we grow through these trials? What can we learn? This video discusses some hard lessons in this walk.

Important Long Videos

  • Seeking The Truth - Church / Apostle Authority, Sound Doctrine, Warnings, & Biblical Principles - This video is about 3 and 1/2 hours long. It covers introductory topics such as vocabulary, to explain the Name of our Creator and His Son, and some basic Hebrew words. This video seeks to help people understand that nobody in their Church has the authority to overturn or change the laws of our Creator. A lot of Christians are, unknowingly, incorrectly taught that someone - whether it be Yahushua the Anointed (Christ), the Apostles, or leaders in their Church - many Christians are taught that someone, somewhere, sometime in history changed or has the authority to change or overturn or get rid of or abolish the laws given from our Creator. This is absolutely incorrect. Nobody in anyone's Church has authority to change what is right and what is wrong. Nobody in anyone's Church has the authority to change the laws of our Creator. These incorrect teachings about "Church Authority" have confused a lot of Christians, and in this video we seek to address this rampant, incorrect, and very dangerous doctrine and teaching and set matters straight regarding Church Authority and various other important Biblical Principles.


Biblical & Scriptural Teachings approached from a defense perspective to make clear why certain claims, statements, views, and beliefs are incorrect, and others are actually the correct perspective instead - sometimes using parables as well to express and make certain points even more clear.

  • What Does It Mean When A Disciple of Christ Begins To Keep Sabbath? - Some people call others "legalists". Some people call others "Judaizers". Some people say others who keep Sabbath or obey commands are "trying to earn their salvation". What is the truth, however, of what it really means when a disciple of Christ begins to keep the Sabbath? Can Sabbath keeping save you? Is Sabbath keeping the point at which you "become saved"? This video discusses this and more.

Signs & Testimonies of יהוה's Esteem

Miscellaneous Short Videos

Hebrew Related

Any videos that are hosted in the "Hebrew" section of are listed here.

Biblical Calendar, Feasts, & Set-Apart (Holy) Days

These are discussions or presentations related to the Biblical Calendar, Set-Apart Days, their meaning, significance, importance, how to observe them, etc.. Some of these are recordings from gatherings on the actual Set-Apart Days themselves covering related Scripture readings and discussions.

  • Barley, Equinox, New Year, HaAviyv, Wave Sheaf Day, Resurrection Day, Omer Count Discussion - A brief discussion on the topics of the Barley, Equinox, Biblical New Year, HaAviyv (Abib), the Wave Sheaf Day when Yahushua was resurrected, and the Omer Count which started on that day also in the year Yahushua was resurrected.
  • Bill's Chronology of The Last 10 Days & The Day of The Week The Messiah Yahushua Was Impaled - Two long and detailed videos on this page - one near the top, one at the bottom, proving lots of things related to the Biblical calendar, and tying many pieces together, centered around the day of the week that the Messiah (Christ/Mashiach) was impaled/crucified.
  • The WYLH Passover Summary - A summary presentation of all the major points regarding Passover. This gives you the majority of the conclusions I've come to and verses used to come to those conclusions all in one place that you can then study on your own. This does have some information not in the related 'building' video because I edited this video later with new additional slides and information, although there are some details covered more in that other one at a slower pace, so both are helpful.
  • Building The WYLH Pesach Summary - Get extra details, background and info related to the Passover Summary video and watch the process of the presentation being created. Also, hear related questions from others and answers provided.
  • Omer Count Summary - A summary presentation of all the major points regarding the Counting of the Omer (sheaf). This gives you the majority of the conclusions I've come to and verses used to come to those conclusions all in one place that you can then study on your own. The year Yahushua died and was resurrected, the Omer Count began the day He was resurrected.
  • First Fruits - The Day of First Fruits is the beginning of the Barley Harvest when the Omer Count starts. This is a recording on the Day of First Fruits providing additional information for the Day of First Fruits that supplements the Omer Count Summary video. The Day of First Fruits was also the day Yahushua rose from the dead that year, and He is the First Fruits.
  • Chag Shavu'ot / Pentecost / Feast of Weeks - The 2019 Feast of Weeks (Chag Shavu'ot) Scriptures Reading & Discussion
  • Yom Teruah / Day of Shouting/Alarm - The 2019 Day of Shouting/Alarm (Yom Teruah) Scriptures Reading & Discussion
  • Yom HaKippuriym (aka Yom Kippur/Kippor or Day of The Atonements) - The 2019 Day of The Atonements (Yom HaKippuriym) Scriptures Reading & Discussion


These are short videos of Baptisms!

New Moon Sightings

These are short videos of New Moon sightings!

Multi-Part Video Series

Open Scripture Readings & Discussions Video Series

These are Scripture readings and discussions from a series of Live Online Gatherings we originally had expected to have span a wide range of topics and go from Genesis to Revelation, but we changed the format of these gatherings and so then we discontinued this video series, and only these 7 videos remain from this discontinued series.

Annual Reading Schedule 'Living Torah' Matthew, Mark, Luke, & John (In Chronological Order) Video Series

The Annual Reading Schedule is a reading schedule covering Genesis to Revelation. This video series covers the part of that reading schedule from Matthew through John known as the 'Living Torah'. See the link to Annual Reading Schedule for more information about that reading schedule.

Annual Reading Schedule 'Post-Resurrection Prophets & Writings' Acts through Revelation Video Series

The Annual Reading Schedule is a reading schedule covering Genesis to Revelation. This video series covers the part of that reading schedule from Acts through Revelation known as the 'Post-Resurrection Prophets & Writings'. See the link to Annual Reading Schedule for more information about that reading schedule.

Sabbath Assembly Reading Schedule Video Series

The Sabbath Assembly Reading Schedule is a reading schedule covering Genesis to Revelation. See the link to Sabbath Assembly Reading Schedule for more information about that reading schedule. This video series is from the Sabbath Morning Biblie/Scriptures reading and discussion during the Live Online Gatherings where we covered scriptures from that schedule.