Volunteers Needed

When you get to the point where you're so behind on things you can't even figure out what you're behind on, that's when it's time to make a 'Volunteers Needed' page on your ministry website. The positions below are the volunteer positions I need help with. If you want to volunteer your time to assist this ministry, please contact me via phone to discuss (the phone # is at that link).

Position Title Position Description
Prison Family Contact Resource You will need to get a PO Box to receive letters from prisoners we minister to and also get registered to receive phone calls from them as well (we can help you figure this out; it's not hard). You will be the contact point for them if they need someone to relay messages between them and their family members (or lawyers/attorneys & others) and to look up people on facebook and send them messages (sometimes) (must have a facebook account).
Prisoner Profile Manager & Monitor You will check once a month to see if there are any changes in units or parole statuses for prisoners we minister to and update their profile on this website. You will also need a PO Box to receive forms and letters from prisoners which will provide you with information to complete their online profiles on this website which you will be responsible for updating. We can train you how to do this. It will involve some basic website editing and uploading of files.
Prisoner Prayer Request Messenger You will need a PO Box to receive letters regarding latest happenings in a prisoners' life and related prayer requests via postal mail and update the Prayer for Prisoners page and email the prayer requests to the EliYah.com prayer email list as well for distribution to other believers. We can train you how to do this. It will involve some basic website editing and uploading of files.
Prisoner Tassels Coordinator You will be responsible for receiving requests for tassels from prisoners, submitting those requests for tassels to the EliYah.com website, following up with inmates to ensure tassels were received, and informing EliYah.com about the successful receipt of tassels.
ASL Interpreter I need an ASL interpreter for the Live Online Gatherings. You must be hearing and fluent in sign language as well.
SHOUTcast Station Manager This position requires you to have prior experience managing a SHOUTcast station and be very tech savvy. We have a SHOUTcast server we use for 'Audio Only' for the Live Online Gatherings, but we don't have time to make better use of the SHOUTcast station. Things that need to be done include converting MP3s to a specific format, uploading them to the server, managing the auto-DJ playlist, and similar SHOUTcast server related duties. We'd like to see the SHOUTcast station be used for more than just audio-only but the reality is we don't got time to make that happen right now. Maybe you can?
Website Assistant I can provide a little training but due to the complexity of web design you really should have some experience with managing an HTML page or something similar before trying to take this task on. There is a lot I could ask for help with in regards to the website IF I had someone reliable who also knew what they were doing to an extent.
Translators If you know languages other than English and want to be responsible for maintaining a mirror copy of this website in another language, please let me know. This would require lots of time and effort to really happen.
Monthly Current Events & Alerts Email Mailing List Writer You will be responsible for tracking government websites (.gov only) on a weekly basis and keeping track of major current events, health alerts, consumer alerts, court rulings, new bills introduced into congress or signed into law by the President, and other items that would be of interest to believers. When tracking this information, you will be summarizing it into a written format which will then be reviewed by the Email Mailing List Editor and after any corrections or modifications, sent out once a month to those who are subscribed to the Email Mailing List. You should have good writing skills and respect for the government to fill this position. The goal is to provide believers with pertinent information that most believers would like to be aware of but just don't have time to keep up with or prefer to avoid news websites because of all the junk found on them.
Paltalk Chat Room Admin Only a man can fill this position. You will be responsible for managing a Paltalk room during the Live Online Gatherings, feeding the audio into the Paltalk room, and relaying any acceptable/appropriate questions from brothers on the mic into Adobe Connect. You will be responsible for responding to inquiries in text chat in Paltalk and following a code of conduct to ensure this ministry and website is properly represented by your conduct in the WillYouLoveHim Ministries Paltalk chat room. The goal of this is to expand the reach of the Live Online Gatherings into the Paltalk community. You will also be responsible for removing or dealing with people from the Paltalk chat room if they violate the written rules for that room.
Podcast Manager You will be responsible for creating and managing podcasts accounts for WillYouLoveHim Ministries to get the Live Online Gatherings into a podcast format that can be heard both through the Internet as well as through SmartPhones. We have zero experience doing podcasts and no time to learn either, so you've got to be able to figure this out mostly on your own. We can probably give minimal help but not a lot. You've got to be very tech savvy to figure this out.
Roku Station Manager You will be responsible for creating and managing a Roku Channel from scratch.