Rules For Live Online Gatherings
1 Corinthians 14:40 - Let all be done decently and in order.
By joining any gatherings hosted by WillYouLoveHim Ministries, you are agreeing to the below rules. We will and do enforce them, so please read.
These rules may or may not change from time to time.
Last Updated: 2025-03-07
The purpose of gatherings we host are first and foremost to give thanks, praise, and esteem to our Heavenly Father and Creator יהוה and His Son יהושע. We also desire to help brothers and sisters come into His presence to bow before Him on the Set-Apart days through heart-felt, worshipful songs and melodies. We also desire to teach others accurately, and truthfully, so that they have sound doctrine based upon all of the Scriptures. We want to help others understand better what the Scriptures (aka Bible) teach us, what our Creator expects of us, how to walk in Set-Apartness (holiness), and generally just have a desire to help others grow in their walk and relationship with יהוה.
We also gather here to enjoy seeing one another and fellowshipping since many of us are separated by large distances and don't get to see our brothers and sisters we love so very much that often. These gatherings are also for those brothers and sisters who are lonely or isolated and need friends, or those who just want to encourage others.
Regardless of your age, and whether you are a brother or a sister, we welcome you, your family, or your little ones to share the songs of praise that he has blessed you with. The Sabbath Evening Praise gathering is set up specifically for that purpose. It might be possible at other gatherings that you can share a song, but the Sabbath Evening Praise gathering is the most popular one for offering up praises to יהוה. We also welcome you to fellowship using the Fellowship Chat.
However, since gatherings are attended by many families and watched and heard by many little ones, including babies and toddlers, shouldn't there be rules about how people use their web cam and microphone? Sometimes when gathering online from the comforts of our homes and not in person, or because we are just unaware of how we come across, we may not be as sensitive to others' feelings. We feel rules are a good way to help keep the peace and ensure an edifying experience for everyone.
What is seen through your web cam should be 100% modest. The things you say and the songs you share should contribute to a peaceful, worshipful environment.
In addition, we encourage you to think about what you want to say before you type it in the chat room so that you don't cause offense or set an example that some parents attending the meeting might feel is not productive for the youth. We don't want to make any families feel like, "Wow... that's permitted here? I don't want my children exposed to that.". I hope we can be in agreement on this. We want all to be edified and want to come back again.
With all that being said, we welcome you all and we encourage you to read the below rules to understand what is expected at these gatherings. However, please understand that there is no way to account for every situation that may arise at gatherings in these rules; so please use common sense and cooperate as well if a Host points out something that needs to change or is inappropriate.
1) The first time you join, you are expected to use a screen name that identifies who you are. It does not have to be your real name, but it should be something that others who are regulars to the gatherings, and the Hosts, will come to recognize over time who you are just by your screen name. You should use the exact same screen name at each gathering you join. Registered users must use their designated screen name identified via email at gatherings for registered users only, but they may choose a secondary screen name to use at gatherings open to the general public (unregistered users). Registered users must notify us about what their secondary username is if it doesn't match their designated primary one. Unregistered users must always use the same screen name each time they join to avoid confusing the Host.
2) If you use some anonymous screen name like "Guest", "Guy", "Girl", "Person", or something similar which is extremely vague and not unique at all, you will be booted out / removed.
3) You are required to identify your gender to anyone who asks you as either being a "Brother" or "Sister". You are also required to notify us if you are typing on behalf of a "Married Couple" or "Family" or "Household" which includes both genders.
4) If you are deaf and require the Host to type to you to know what they are saying, you must type in chat that you are deaf when you join. Otherwise, we will assume you can hear and might only communicate to you through audio on the mic. We do have the capability of enabling closed captioning but at this time we have that feature and other features disabled because they produce undesirable results for gatherings in other ways - but if someone deaf joins and is interested, we can enable the auto-closed captioning for you if needed. Please understand, however, that we cannot guarantee the accuracy of this technology as it's all automated.
1) If you're new to this and don't know if it is Sabbath or a day of rest, please ask.
2) Do not make statements about work related activities.
3) Do not make statements about purchases, vendors, stores, buying, selling, or anything business-like (that means also to not mention where you buy things at or what brand they are, just to be clear).
4) Do not make statements about travel, errands you ran for yourself or for others during the week, places you went or took others, appointments you had or took others to (this also includes not mentioning yours' or others' doctor appointments, medical lab reports, test results, or similar things), errands you want to run after Shabbat, or errands, appointments, travel, or plans you, others, or assemblies have the following week.
5) If you break these rules, you will be viewed as an insensitive person who is being offensive and kicked out without warning. Our gatherings are not a "big assembly" - this is more like a small home gathering. You are entering into the home of the Host, essentially. If you won't be sensitive to how the Host feels about what's appropriate on Shabbat and you want to argue about this, do not come. Only sensitive people who care how the Host of the gatherings feels are welcomed in the home of the Host. This is our way of keeping the Shabbat Set-Apart as commanded, and also our way of enjoying Shabbat. We simply do not appreciate when people talk about these things. You are free to have your own convictions in your own home, but when you come to another person's home, you shouldn't be insensitive to how they feel. You should accommodate them. If you can't do that and be respectful, don't come.
1) Do not post links unless you get permission from the Host first. If you post a link without permission, you may be removed from the gathering.
2) If you type in a language other than English, you must provide a translation in English of what is being said if requested by anyone.
3) Do not make statements about things a lot of the world is focused around which many of us do not want to hear anything about–especially on Sabbath. A few examples include: "the news", politics, media content, movies, T.V., sports teams, etc.. Think before you speak.
4) Do not make statements that set a bad example for youth who are seeking to live a clean, sober life full of self-control, focused on the Word of יהוה, and separate from the world–Set-Apart and innocent in both their bodies and their minds.
5) Do not speak negatively about others (including famous people - don't do it).
6) Do not refer to others' songs similar to how the world does the world's songs. For example: we do not have "fan clubs" for ourselves, or say "This person is #1!". We do agree with you encouraging and uplifting others, we just ask that you do so in a way that won't cause stumbling to some who use to be in worldly bands that might associate those statements with their previous life before they knew יהוה. However, we do agree with your desire to encourage others and help them have confidence when praising יהוה. Please use your gift of encouragement and don't take what we're saying here the wrong way! We know you just want to encourage others, and we're glad that you have the desire to do that. Just remember that some people here may have previously been in worldly bands and do not want to be made to feel like we're here to do something similar to the world. יהוה is #1, so instead, it is more appropriate to make statements like, "Praise יהוה! He has really blessed you with a gift of singing!" or something similar that gives the praise to יהוה. Statements like, "That was really beautiful!" or "You have a beautiful voice!" or something similar seem encouraging and innocent also; and it is good to encourage and uplift one another.
7) Do not discuss "wishing"; we pray, we hope, we desire, we would like certain things, but we do not "wish".
8) Do not use phrases like "dang", "darn", or other phrases similar to profanity (it should be common sense that all blatant profanity is also 100% prohibited and would result in us kicking you out without warning or discussion - this includes the "h" word and "a" word used by the KJV - in our view these are modern day profanity).
9) If a Host has disabled your mic or cam after you had it on previously, please discuss in private message with them - not the main chat room.
10) Avoid prohibited topics 100% and be respectful of Yahweh, Yahushua, and others, and use common sense. Topics like "flat earth", "depopulation theories", "voting fraud", negative statements about the government or any government official, or any statement going against our verification of beliefs page are 100% prohibited and inappropriate and will probably result in you being kicked out possibly without warning. There are other things we will kick you out quickly for without warning, but these are some examples. We don't like to have to boot people out, and it doesn't mean we're judging you or something, but it's like if someone comes in your home and acts crazy and talks about stuff that isn't spiritually focused, we're not going to tolerate it - but especially not on Sabbath. Making you leave is just us ensuring a peaceful and edifying gathering. We may still consider you a brother or sister in the faith, but that doesn't mean you will be permitted to create chaos or distractions in our gatherings or do anything you want. Be reasonable. These rules exist for a reason. If you disagree, there are other websites you can visit on Shabbat or you can find a local assembly in your area.
These gatherings are not a "show" and we are not here to goof around. That doesn't mean we can't have a good time and enjoy the fellowship, but if you want to use the mic or share a song you are expected to act mature and follow these rules:
1) Do not say something that would violate the above Fellowship Chat Rules.
2) Do not be obnoxious or act wild. Being happy and joyful is good, but we don't want a gathering that comes across as obnoxious or wild.
3) Do not yell or scream (this is different than shouting, "Praise יהוה!" – a shout of praise sounds different than yelling or screaming).
4) I know we all have different backgrounds, but certain street talk or street slang should be avoided. For example, the phrase "Woot! Woot!" is a slang term. The word "woot" has been used in worldly music with evil lyrics as an expression to rejoice over evil. We do not want to speak or act in a way that reminds people of the world's loose behavior or the world's songs of evil.
5) This is not a worldly stand-up comedian gathering. Do not treat it like one.
6) This is not "entertainment" or a competition. You are not on the mic to "entertain us". During gatherings where we are sharing songs of praise, we are here to praise our Heavenly Father.
7) Only one person should use the mic at a time. Please give turns to each other at gatherings where everyone's mic is enabled and open discussion is occurring. If it gets out of hand or there is feedback, the Host may have to turn off everyone's mic and then turn it back on. The number of people using their cam might be limited if there is too much lag.
8) Sisters - please do not conduct yourself in a manner on the mic which may be perceived as teaching a man or everyone at the gathering as a whole. If it seems like a woman is taking on a role that should be something for a man to do (e.g. teaching Scriptures on the mic in front of a group of believers which includes brothers), that won't work out here. During Scripture readings and discussions, only brothers may comment on the mic.
9) Please be respectful of others' desire to use the mic as well. When you are done speaking, please click the mic button again to mute your mic so there is not feedback.
INSTRUMENTS & SONGS (For Gatherings Where Songs of Praise Are Being Shared)
1) You can sing acapella or play instruments of your own to accompany your singing, but you cannot play pre-recorded songs behind what you are singing. We have had problems with parts of music people play in the background as they sing violating these rules in various ways and as a result feel like there is no other way to avoid problems other than prohibiting the playing of pre-recorded music which we cannot preview before hearing people play it to approve or not approve it.
2) Do not sing or play the song "Hallelujah" originally written by Leonard Cohen. This song has lyrics which are not appropriate for praise and worship of the Heavenly Father. If you play part of this song your mic will be removed. It is written, Tehillim (Psalms) 47:7 "For Elohiym is Sovereign of all the land; Sing praises with understanding." You should always read lyrics of songs before singing them, seek to understand them, and consider if those words are accurate and Scripturally based when they are referencing Scriptural events; and whether or not these words are giving praise and esteem to יהוה. Don't just assume because part of the song sounds okay and has the word "Hallelujah" that the whole song is okay for singing here. All the lyrics of a song matter.
3) Do not sing songs with the words "lord" or "god". These words are offensive to some people who may come in here.
4) Do not sing songs with phrases similar to "Baruch Adonai", "Baraku Adonai", "Adonai Elohiym Tseva'ot", or "Adonai Eloheinu, Adonai Echad" which are replacing the Name of יהוה with a title. The phrase "Baraku יהוה" and similar phrases talking about blessing יהוה are found in the Hebrew Scriptures. However, the phrase "Baraku Adonai" or "Baruch Adonai" is NOT EVER USED IN THE HEBREW SCRIPTURES TO BLESS יהוה. Those phrases are a result of the tradition of replacing יהוה's name. If we are wrong, and you find a place where that phrase is in the Hebrew Scriptures, please let me know so I can revise these rules; but I searched and did not find that phrase in the Hebrew. There are other similar examples that may be found.
Ultimately – the question you should be asking yourself when singing the words "Adonai" and "Elohiym" in songs other people have written is: "Does this phrase ever exist in the Scriptures with Adonai or Elohiym? Or does it ONLY exist in the Scriptures with the Name יהוה?"
Phrases that are commonly used which are found in Scripture with the Name יהוה should be sung with the name יהוה. Replacing it even with Hebrew words like "Elohiym" or "Adonai" is not acceptable. Those words, "Adonai" and "Elohiym" are acceptable words, but not when they are being used as substitutes for the Name of יהוה.
Another example of a replacement is the phrase "Adonai Elohiym Tseva'ot". The phrase "Adonai יהוה Tseva'ot" does exist in the Hebrew, but not "Adonai Elohiym Tseva'ot". In that case, the word "Elohiym" is being used to replace the Name of יהוה, and that is not acceptable.
Another example of a replacement is the phrase "Shema Yisra'el, Adonai Eloheinu, Adonai Echad". The correct phrase from Deuteronomy 6:4 is "Shema Yisra'el, יהוה Eloheinu, יהוה Echad". We should never speak the Shema replacing the Name יהוה with the word Adonai. This is definitely wrong.
There are cases where a phrase is used both with יהוה's Name as well as with forms of Adonai or Elohiym. For example, the phrase "Hodu La'יהוה" is in the Hebrew, but so is "Hodu La'Elohey HaElohiym" and "Hodu La'Adoney HaAdoniym". So for that phrase, it is not replacing the name to say "Hodu La'Adoney HaAdoniym" because that's what it says in Psalms 136:3. However, if you just said "Hodu LaAdonai" that does sound like a name replacement because you're not using the full phrase correctly. That one is debatable. Our perspective is it seems more like Psalms 136:1 except you're replacing יהוה with Adonai. The phrase Adoney HaAdoniym is the full title, so just saying Adonai by itself does not seem the same and does not make it clear that someone isn't replacing the Name of יהוה with Adonai.
5) No songs with Electric guitars (Except Acoustic Electrics are OK)
6) No songs that have a hip-hop, techno, synthesized, or metal sound to them (some synthesized sounds from keyboards, etc. are permitted if the song sounds like a peaceful song; if you are unsure, get permission before the gathering starts by sharing your song with us so we can hear what it sounds like).
7) No songs with simulated vocal effects (the voice of the person singing echoes or is otherwise changed to sound very different than it normally does).
8) No parodies or re-makes of worldly songs.
9) No songs written by Disney or any other company that promotes wicked things.
1) DO NOT SHAKE YOUR CAMERA – STABILIZE YOUR CAM – Your web cam should be in a fixed position mounted to a desk, counter, monitor, or something else stationary for most of the time you share your cam. If you need to adjust it or are showing us something, that's fine; but other than that please ensure your cam is in a set position and not always moving around.
2) SIT UP & REMAIN ATTENTIVE – No lying down while your cam is on is permitted. You must be sitting or, in cases of families or stand-up instruments, standing up is permitted as well. However, standing up is never permitted if you are wearing shorts or we can see your knees. If you want to lie down, please turn your cam off first. If you step away from your cam or are seen lying down, we will turn off your cam.
3) NO SITTING DOWN WITH YOUR LEGS CROSSED IF WE CAN SEE BELOW YOUR WAIST! – If you have your camera far enough away from you that we can see below your waist, do not cross your legs when you sit down. On CAM, this looks inappropriate from our angle.
4) BABIES FULLY CLOTHED – As cute as they are, they should be dressed modestly when sharing your cam. Although you may normally allow your baby to run around with just their diaper on and no shirt, we ask that you dress your little ones fully before turning your cam on.
5) NO SLEEVELESS OR V-NECK SHIRTS/TOPS – Sleeveless tops (e.g. muscle shirts, sleeveless dresses/blouses) and V-neck shirts/tops which show arm pits, shoulders, or too far below the neck will result in your cam being turned off. If you have a collared shirt, you may need to button all the buttons including the top button in some cases.
6) NO SEE-THROUGH OR WHITE CLOTHING THAT BECOMES SEE-THROUGH WITH LIGHTING – Some white dresses/long skirts women wear actually become see-through in lighting where people can see the outline of your legs through your dress/long skirt. Please either remain sitting so we only see above your neck or do not wear thin-layered white dresses/long skirts that are see-through in bright lights. Darker colored dresses/long skirts of thicker material are more modest in bright lights.
7) NO SHORTS OR SHORT SKIRTS – Shorts and short skirts are just not usually modest enough and usually show the knees and sometimes thighs. If you have on shorts or a short skirt, please change into pants (for men) or a long dress/long skirt (for women) before you turn on your cam. Shorts are not sufficient.
8) If we turn off your cam, and you turn it on and continue to show something inappropriate, we will remove you from the gathering.
In general, anything we feel is not completely appropriate may result in a cam being turned off or a person being completely removed from the gathering. We were cautioned by someone about web cameras presenting an inappropriate example for the youth. We hope you are okay with these policies, because we just want to do what’s right in the eyes of our Heavenly Father יהוה.
In general, these gatherings should only consist of family friendly content. If we see or hear something inappropriate, we deal with it on a case by case basis, taking the appropriate actions to the best of our ability. We apologize in advance if someone joins and does something inappropriate. We always do our best to provide a family friendly environment at our gatherings.