This page provides links to all videos from all parts of the website in one place. Think of this as the "videos homepage". All videos are linked from various other parts of the website.
Most Important Teachings For You To Watch
- The Good News of יהושע (Yahushua)!
- Sin Is Transgression of The Law - This video was produced by and with permission from brother EliYah we are re-posting this video on our website also. This is a crucial, crucial video for people to watch. One of the biggest incorrect teachings which is wide-spread in Christianity is a teaching that makes people believe it is not a sin to disobey the laws of our Creator from Genesis to Malachi. However, the truth is that it IS a sin anytime we disobey anything our Creator has said to do. If we properly understand that it is a sin to break the law, then we also come to a fuller and more correct and complete understanding of what it means to Repent as well. We also come to a more complete picture of what it means to LOVE our Heavenly Father and one another! Has someone told you it is not wrong to disobey our Creator? Were you taught the laws are abolished? Many people misunderstand Paul's writings. Many Christians have misunderstood what Christ really taught. The laws are what helps us understand how to love our Creator and Love each other. If we disobey any of them, then we are not loving, and we are sinning. So breaking the laws of our Creator is sinful. We must turn away from sin, which includes turning away from law-breaking. We must believe, repent, and be immersed in the Name of Yahushua HaMashiach of Natsareth for the remission of sins. Don't let the false teachings out there lead you astray: Our Creator's law teaches us how to love and He is calling us back to walk with Him in accordance to all of His Word.
- How To Understand Paul - What Authority He Has - Why It's Dangerous To Reject Him - This link also has written information related to the man commonly referred to as "Paul"; also known as Sha'ul and Paulus. I may make more videos later along this subject, but this is a good start. This video also has information about the Sabbath Assembly Reading Schedule, so it is also available here as well - except this second link doesn't have the additional written info related to Sha'ul (Paulus).
- Being Malleable And Exercising Spiritual Muscles - It doesn't always feel good to go where Yahweh is leading us. How can we grow through these trials? What can we learn? This video discusses some hard lessons in this walk.
Important Long Videos
- Seeking The Truth - Church / Apostle Authority, Sound Doctrine, Warnings, & Biblical Principles - This video is about 3 and 1/2 hours long. It covers introductory topics such as vocabulary, to explain the Name of our Creator and His Son, and some basic Hebrew words. This video seeks to help people understand that nobody in their Church has the authority to overturn or change the laws of our Creator. A lot of Christians are, unknowingly, incorrectly taught that someone - whether it be Yahushua the Anointed (Christ), the Apostles, or leaders in their Church - many Christians are taught that someone, somewhere, sometime in history changed or has the authority to change or overturn or get rid of or abolish the laws given from our Creator. This is absolutely incorrect. Nobody in anyone's Church has authority to change what is right and what is wrong. Nobody in anyone's Church has the authority to change the laws of our Creator. These incorrect teachings about "Church Authority" have confused a lot of Christians, and in this video we seek to address this rampant, incorrect, and very dangerous doctrine and teaching and set matters straight regarding Church Authority and various other important Biblical Principles.
Biblical & Scriptural Teachings approached from a defense perspective to make clear why certain claims, statements, views, and beliefs are incorrect, and others are actually the correct perspective instead - sometimes using parables as well to express and make certain points even more clear.
- What Does It Mean When A Disciple of Christ Begins To Keep Sabbath? - Some people call others "legalists". Some people call others "Judaizers". Some people say others who keep Sabbath or obey commands are "trying to earn their salvation". What is the truth, however, of what it really means when a disciple of Christ begins to keep the Sabbath? Can Sabbath keeping save you? Is Sabbath keeping the point at which you "become saved"? This video discusses this and more.
Signs & Testimonies of יהוה's Esteem
Miscellaneous Short Videos
Hebrew Related
Any videos that are hosted in the "Hebrew" section of are listed here.
Biblical Calendar, Feasts, & Set-Apart (Holy) Days
These are discussions or presentations related to the Biblical Calendar, Set-Apart Days, their meaning, significance, importance, how to observe them, etc.. Some of these are recordings from gatherings on the actual Set-Apart Days themselves covering related Scripture readings and discussions.
- Barley, Equinox, New Year, HaAviyv, Wave Sheaf Day, Resurrection Day, Omer Count Discussion - A brief discussion on the topics of the Barley, Equinox, Biblical New Year, HaAviyv (Abib), the Wave Sheaf Day when Yahushua was resurrected, and the Omer Count which started on that day also in the year Yahushua was resurrected.
- Bill's Chronology of The Last 10 Days & The Day of The Week The Messiah Yahushua Was Impaled - Two long and detailed videos on this page - one near the top, one at the bottom, proving lots of things related to the Biblical calendar, and tying many pieces together, centered around the day of the week that the Messiah (Christ/Mashiach) was impaled/crucified.
- The WYLH Passover Summary - A summary presentation of all the major points regarding Passover. This gives you the majority of the conclusions I've come to and verses used to come to those conclusions all in one place that you can then study on your own. This does have some information not in the related 'building' video because I edited this video later with new additional slides and information, although there are some details covered more in that other one at a slower pace, so both are helpful.
- Building The WYLH Pesach Summary - Get extra details, background and info related to the Passover Summary video and watch the process of the presentation being created. Also, hear related questions from others and answers provided.
- Omer Count Summary - A summary presentation of all the major points regarding the Counting of the Omer (sheaf). This gives you the majority of the conclusions I've come to and verses used to come to those conclusions all in one place that you can then study on your own. The year Yahushua died and was resurrected, the Omer Count began the day He was resurrected.
- First Fruits - The Day of First Fruits is the beginning of the Barley Harvest when the Omer Count starts. This is a recording on the Day of First Fruits providing additional information for the Day of First Fruits that supplements the Omer Count Summary video. The Day of First Fruits was also the day Yahushua rose from the dead that year, and He is the First Fruits.
- Chag Shavu'ot / Pentecost / Feast of Weeks - The 2019 Feast of Weeks (Chag Shavu'ot) Scriptures Reading & Discussion
- Yom Teruah / Day of Shouting/Alarm - The 2019 Day of Shouting/Alarm (Yom Teruah) Scriptures Reading & Discussion
- Yom HaKippuriym (aka Yom Kippur/Kippor or Day of The Atonements) - The 2019 Day of The Atonements (Yom HaKippuriym) Scriptures Reading & Discussion
These are short videos of Baptisms!
New Moon Sightings
These are short videos of New Moon sightings!
Multi-Part Video Series
Open Scripture Readings & Discussions Video Series
These are Scripture readings and discussions from a series of Live Online Gatherings we originally had expected to have span a wide range of topics and go from Genesis to Revelation, but we changed the format of these gatherings and so then we discontinued this video series, and only these 7 videos remain from this discontinued series.
- 01-001 - Genesis 1:1-1:4
- 01-002 - Genesis 1:5 - Day - Inclusive vs. Exclusive Counting
- 01-003 - Genesis 1:5 - Day, Evening, Morning, Start of Day, etc.
- 01-004 - Genesis 1:5-1:19
- 01-005 - Genesis 1:14-1:15 Rediscussed - The Calendar, Barley vs. Equinox, The Harvest Is A Shadow, Lights For Years, & Spiritual Insight on Why Day of First Fruits Is On The 1st Day of the Week
- 01-006 - Genesis 1:19-2:3 & Sabbath Discussion
- 01-007 - Genesis 2:4-2:25
Annual Reading Schedule 'Living Torah' Matthew, Mark, Luke, & John (In Chronological Order) Video Series
The Annual Reading Schedule is a reading schedule covering Genesis to Revelation. This video series covers the part of that reading schedule from Matthew through John known as the 'Living Torah'. See the link to Annual Reading Schedule for more information about that reading schedule.
- Week 1 - Word & Geneology
- Week 2 - Gavriel Visits
- Week 3 - Childhood
- Week 4 - Immersion
- Week 5 - Water To Wine
- Week 6 - Yochanan Imprisoned & Woman At Well
- Week 7 - The 2nd Sign & Fishers of Men & Do Not Fear
- Week 8 - Mattithyahu (Lewi) Called To Follow
- Week 9 - Sabbath Teachings
- Week 10 - The 12 Disciples, Teaching on Mount
- Week 11 - Same as Week 10 - The 12 Disciples, Teaching on Mount
- Week 12 - Yahushua Speaks About Yochanan
- Week 13 - Sign of Yonah
- Week 14 - Parables By Sea
- Week 15 - A Great Calm
- Week 16 - Yahushua Heals & Raises The Dead
- Week 17 - The 12 Sent Out
- Week 18 - Yahushua Walks On The Water
- Week 19 - I Shall Raise Him Up In The Last Day
- Week 20 - The Parable of The Heart Explained
- Week 21 - Beware The Leaven & His Face Shone
- Week 22 - Except Through Prayer & Fasting
- Week 23 - Go & Sin No More
- Week 24 - Adon, I Believe!
- Week 25 - Same as Week 24 - Adon, I Believe!
- Week 26 - Seventy Sent Out & The Good Portion and The Right-Ruling & Love of Elohiym
- Week 27 - Do Not Worry About Your Life
- Week 28 - Is It Not Written "You Are Elohiym"? & He Is Unable To Be My Taught One
- Week 29 - The Lost Sheep, Silver Coin, & Son, & The Trustworthy Manager
- Week 30 - El'azar Is Raised From The Dead & Ten Leprous Men Are Cleansed
- Week 31 - Receive As A Child
- Week 32 - He Shall Rise Again
- Week 33 - Miryam Anoints & Yahushua On Colt
- Week 34 - House of Prayer
- Week 35 - Parable of Vineyard & Wedding Feast
- Week 36 - Same as Week 35 - Parable of Vineyard
- Week 37 - Signs of The End, Warnings, Watch! Judgment Parables!
- Week 38 - Same as Week 37 - Signs of The End, Warnings, Watch! Judgment Parables!
- Week 39 - "He Who Hates His Life", Anointing, & Preparing Passover
- Week 40 - "Wash One Another's Feet" & The Last Supper
- Week 41 - Same as Week 40 - "Wash One Another's Feet" & The Last Supper
- Week 42 - The Vine, Greater Love, & Yahushua's Prayer For Us
- Week 43 - "Shall I not drink the cup which My Father has given Me?"
- Week 44 - Before High Priest
- Week 45 - Before Pilate, Before Herodes, Handed Over To Impalement
- Week 46 - The Impalement
- Week 47 - Same as Week 46 - The Impalement
- Week 48 - He Was Raised From The Dead
- Week 49 - Go & Make Disciples!
Annual Reading Schedule 'Post-Resurrection Prophets & Writings' Acts through Revelation Video Series
The Annual Reading Schedule is a reading schedule covering Genesis to Revelation. This video series covers the part of that reading schedule from Acts through Revelation known as the 'Post-Resurrection Prophets & Writings'. See the link to Annual Reading Schedule for more information about that reading schedule.
- Week 1 - Repent, And Be Immersed!
- Week 2 - Obey Elohiym Rather Than Men
- Week 3 - They Stoned Stephanos
- Week 4 - Sha'ul Immersed, Petros' Vision
- Week 5 - Petros' Chains Fall Off
- Week 6 - Antioch, Ikonion, Lukaonia & The Yerushalayim Council
- Week 7 - Timotheos Circumcised, Philippi Jailer Family Immersed
- Week 8 - the Name of Yahushua Made Great
- Week 9 - Paulus Keeps The Torah
- Week 10 - Paulus Delivered To Felix
- Week 11 - Paulus Before Festos, Agrippas, & Bernike, Then To Rome
- Week 12 - "No Partiality With Elohiym" & "We Establish The Torah"
- Week 13 - Immersed Into His Death
- Week 14 - The Love of The Anointed
- Week 15 - Do Not Be Arrogant, But Fear
- Week 16 - The Authorities That Exist Are Appointed By Elohiym
- Week 17 - Elohiym Gives The Increase
- Week 18 - It Is Good For A Man Not To Touch A Woman
- Week 19 - These Became Examples For Us & Neither Grumble
- Week 20 - There Should Be No Division In The Body & Love Never Fails
- Week 21 - Let All Be Done In Love & Love The Adon Yahushua Anointed
- Week 22 - Bearing About In The Body The Dying of The Adon Yahushua
- Week 23 - Elohiym Loves A Joyous Giver
- Week 24 - My Favour Is Sufficient For You
- Week 25 - No Longer A Slave, But A Son!
- Week 26 - If We Live In The Spirit, Let Us Also Walk In The Spirit!
- Week 27 - You Are No Longer Strangers And Foreigners
- Week 28 - We Are Members of His Body, of His Flesh And of His Bones
- Week 29 - To Live Is Anointed, And To Die Is Gain, Do All Matters Without Grumblings And Disputings, Rejoice In YHWH Always
- Week 30 - Your Life Has Been Hidden With Anointed In Elohiym
- Week 31 - The Desire/Will of Elohiym
- Week 32 - Let No One Deceive You
- Week 33 - Overseers, Attendants, Women Roles, & Respect Bosses
- Week 34 - A Slave Should Not Quarrel
- Week 35 - Reject A Divisive Man, & Maintain Good Works
- Week 36 - The Esteem of Yahushua
- Week 37 - From Milk To Meat & A High Priest According To Order of Malkitsedeq By Oath
- Week 38 - My Laws In Their Mind, & I Shall Write Them On Their Hearts
- Week 39 - "Lay Aside Every Weight & The Sin" & "Do Not Despise The Discipline of YHWH"
- Week 40 - "Do This In Remembrance of Me", "Receive Strangers", & "Remember The Prisoners"
- Week 41 - "Belief Without Works Is Dead", "Be Patient", & "The Judge Is Standing At The Door!"
- Week 42 - Have Fervent Love For One Another, Welcome One Another Without Grumbling
- Week 43 - What Kind of People Ought You To Be In Set-Apart Behaviour And Reverence
- Week 44 - Let No One Lead You Astray
- Week 45 - "Do Not Receive Him", "The One Who Is Doing Good Is of Elohiym", & "Him Who Is Able"
- Week 46 - I Know Your Works
- Week 47 - "His Judgment Has Come"
- Week 48 - "Come Out of Her, My People" & The Judgment of Bavel
- Week 49 - "The Dead Were Judged"
Sabbath Assembly Reading Schedule Video Series
The Sabbath Assembly Reading Schedule is a reading schedule covering Genesis to Revelation. See the link to Sabbath Assembly Reading Schedule for more information about that reading schedule. This video series is from the Sabbath Morning Biblie/Scriptures reading and discussion during the Live Online Gatherings where we covered scriptures from that schedule.
- Week 34 - Covering Genesis 29:31-30:24, Joshua 22:1-22:34, Job 30:1-30:31, Proverbs 11:1-11:4, Psalms 39:1-39:13, and John 10:19-10:40
- Week 35 - Covering Genesis 30:25-30:43, Joshua 23:1-23:16, Job 31:1-31:12, Proverbs 11:5-11:14, Psalms 40:1-40:17, and John 10:41-11:11
- Week 36 - Covering Genesis 31:1-31:25, Joshua 24:1-24:28, Job 31:13-31:23, Proverbs 11:15-11:19, Psalms 41:1-41:13, and John 11:12-11:29
- Week 37 - Covering Genesis 31:26-31:55, Joshua 24:29 - Judges 1:18, Job 31:24-31:40, Proverbs 11:20-11:23, Psalms 42:1-42:11, and John 11:30-11:45
- Week 38 - Covering Genesis 32:1-32:32, Judges 1:19-1:36, Job 32:1-32:22, Proverbs 11:24-11:31, Psalms 43:1-43:5, and John 11:46-11:57
- Week 39 - Covering Genesis 33:1-33:20, Judges 2:1-2:23, Job 33:1-33:12, Proverbs 12:1-12:5, Psalms 44:1-44:26, and John 12:1-12:11
- Week 40 - Covering Genesis 34:1-34:31, Judges 3:1-3:11, Job 33:13-33:33, Proverbs 12:6-12:10, Psalms 45:1-45:17, and John 12:12-12:26
- Week 41 - Covering Genesis 35:1-35:29, Judges 3:12-3:31, Job 34:1-34:23, Proverbs 12:11-12:16, Psalms 46:1-46:11, and John 12:27-12:36
- Week 42 - Covering Genesis 36:1-36:19, Judges 4:1-4:24, Job 34:24-34:37, Proverbs 12:17-12:23, Psalms 47:1-47:9, and John 12:37-12:50
- Week 43 - Covering Genesis 36:20-36:43, Judges 5:1-5:31, Job 35:1-35:16, Proverbs 12:24-12:28, Psalms 48:1-48:14, and John 13:1-13:11
- Week 44 - Covering Genesis 37:1-37:36, Judges 6:1-6:14, Job 36:1-36:20, Proverbs 13:1-13:4, Psalms 49:1-49:20, and John 13:12-13:24
- Week 45 - Covering Genesis 38:1-38:30, Judges 6:15-6:32, Job 36:21-36:33, Proverbs 13:5-13:10, Psalms 50:1-50:23, and John 13:25-13:38
- Week 46 - Covering Genesis 39:1-39:23, Judges 6:33-6:40, Job 37:1-37:24, Proverbs 13:11-13:15, Psalms 51:1-51:19, and John 14:1-14:18
- Week 47 - Covering Genesis 40:1-40:23, Judges 7:1-7:22, Job 38:1-38:21, Proverbs 13:16-13:19, Psalms 52:1-52:9, and John 14:19-14:31
- Week 48 - Covering Genesis 41:1-41:32, Judges 7:23-8:21, Job 38:22-38:41, Proverbs 13:20-13:25, Psalms 53:1-53:6, and John 15:1-15:15
- Week 49 - Covering Genesis 41:33-42:4, Judges 8:22-8:35, Job 39:1-39:30, Proverbs 14:1-14:5, Psalms 54:1-54:7, and John 15:16-15:27
- Week 50 - Covering Genesis 42:5-42:38, Judges 9:1-9:21, Job 40:1-40:14, Proverbs 14:6-14:10, Psalms 55:1-55:23, and John 16:1-16:15
- Week 51 - Covering Genesis 43:1-43:34, Judges 9:22-9:49, Job 40:15-40:24, Proverbs 14:11-14:15, Psalms 56:1-56:13, and John 16:16-16:33
- Week 52 - Covering Genesis 44:1-44:34, Judges 9:50-9:57, Job 41:1-41:34, Proverbs 14:16-14:21, Psalms 57:1-57:11, and John 17:1-17:13
- Week 53 - Covering Genesis 45:1-45:28, Judges 10:1-10:18, Job 42:1-42:17, Proverbs 14:22-14:25, Psalms 58:1-58:11, and John 17:14-17:26
- Week 54 - Covering Genesis 46:1-46:34, Judges 11:1-11:10, Song of Songs 1:1-4:16, Proverbs 14:26-14:30, Psalms 59:1-59:17, and John 18:1-18:15
- Week 55 - Covering Genesis 47:1-47:31, Judges 11:11-11:29, Song of Songs 5:1-8:14, Proverbs 14:31-14:35, Psalms 60:1-60:12, and John 18:16-18:27
- Week 56 - Covering Genesis 48:1-48:22, Judges 11:30-11:40, Ecclesiastes 1:1-1:18, Proverbs 15:1-15:5, Psalms 61:1-61:8, and John 18:28-18:40
- Week 57 - Covering Genesis 49:1-49:33, Judges 12:1-12:15, Ecclesiastes 2:1-2:26, Proverbs 15:6-15:10, Psalms 62:1-62:12, and John 19:1-19:15
- Week 58 - Covering Genesis 50:1-50:26, Judges 13:1-13:25, Ecclesiastes 3:1-3:22, Proverbs 15:11-15:15, Psalms 63:1-63:11, and John 19:16-19:30
- Week 59 - Covering Exodus 1:1-1:22, Judges 14:1-14:20, Ecclesiastes 4:1-4:16, Proverbs 15:16-15:20, Psalms 64:1-64:10, and John 19:31-19:42
- Week 60 - Covering Exodus 2:1-2:25, Judges 15:1-15:20, Ecclesiastes 5:1-5:20, Proverbs 15:21-15:25, Psalms 65:1-65:13, and John 20:1-20:10
- Week 61 - Covering Exodus 3:1-3:22, Judges 16:1-16:14, Ecclesiastes 6:1-6:12, Proverbs 15:26-15:29, Psalms 66:1-66:20, and John 20:11-20:25
- Week 62 - Covering Exodus 4:1-4:31, Judges 16:15-16:31, Ecclesiastes 7:1-7:29, Proverbs 15:30-15:33, Psalms 67:1-67:7, and John 20:26-21:8
- Week 63 - Covering Exodus 5:1-5:23, Judges 17:1-17:13, Ecclesiastes 8:1-8:8, Proverbs 16:1-16:5, Psalms 68:1-68:35, and John 21:9-21:25
- Week 64 - Covering Exodus 6:1-6:30, Judges 18:1-18:10, Ecclesiastes 8:9-8:17, Proverbs 16:6-16:10, Psalms 69:1-69:36, and Romans 1:1-1:15
- Week 65 - Covering Exodus 7:1-7:25, Judges 18:11-18:31, Ecclesiastes 9:1-10:7, Proverbs 16:11-16:15, Psalms 70:1-70:5, and Romans 1:16-1:32
- Week 66 - Covering Exodus 8:1-8:32, Judges 19:1-19:15, Ecclesiastes 10:8-10:20, Proverbs 16:16-16:20, Psalms 71:1-71:24, and Romans 2:1-2:16
- Week 67 - Covering Exodus 9:1-9:35, Judges 19:16-19:30, Ecclesiastes 11:1-11:10, Proverbs 16:21-16:25, Psalms 72:1-72:20, and Romans 2:17-2:29
- Week 68 - Covering Exodus 10:1-10:29, Judges 20:1-20:13, Ecclesiastes 12:1-12:14, Proverbs 16:26-16:30, Psalms 73:1-73:28, and Romans 3:1-3:18
- Week 69 - Covering Exodus 11:1-12:20, Judges 20:14-20:48, Proverbs 16:31-16:33, Psalms 74:1-74:23, and Romans 3:19-3:31
- Week 70 - Covering Exodus 12:21-12:51, Judges 21:1 - Ruth 1:22, Proverbs 17:1-17:5, Psalms 75:1-75:10, and Romans 4:1-4:13
- Week 71 - Covering Exodus 13:1-13:22, Ruth 2:1-3:18, Proverbs 17:6-17:10, Psalms 76:1-76:12, and Romans 4:14-4:25
- Week 72 - Covering Exodus 14:1-14:31, Ruth 4:1-4:22, Proverbs 17:11-17:15, Psalms 77:1-77:20, and Romans 5:1-5:17
- Week 73 - Covering Exodus 15:1-15:27, Psalms 78:1-78:72, and Romans 5:18-6:10
- Week 74 - Covering Exodus 16:1-16:30, 1 Samuel 1:1-2:11, Proverbs 17:16-17:20, Psalms 79:1-79:13, and Romans 6:11-6:23
- Week 75 - Covering Exodus 16:31-17:16, 1 Samuel 2:12-2:36, Proverbs 17:21-17:28, Psalms 80:1-80:19, and Romans 7:1-7:12
- Week 76 - Covering Exodus 18:1-18:27, 1 Samuel 3:1-4:11, Proverbs 18:1-18:5, Psalms 81:1-81:16, and Romans 7:13-7:25
- Week 77 - Covering Exodus 19:1-19:25, 1 Samuel 4:12-6:21, Proverbs 18:6-18:11, Psalms 82:1-82:8, and Romans 8:1-8:18
- Week 78 - Covering Exodus 20:1-20:26, 1 Samuel 7:1-8:22, Proverbs 18:12-18:17, Psalms 83:1-83:18, and Romans 8:19-8:39
- Week 79 - Covering Exodus 21:1-21:36, 1 Samuel 9:1-10:12, Proverbs 18:18-18:24, Psalms 84:1-84:12, and Romans 9:1-9:16
- Week 80 - Covering Exodus 22:1-22:31, 1 Samuel 10:13-11:15, Proverbs 19:1-19:7, Psalms 85:1-85:13, and Romans 9:17-9:33
- Week 81 - Covering Exodus 23:1-23:33, 1 Samuel 12:1-12:25, Proverbs 19:8-19:15, Psalms 86:1-86:17, and Romans 10:1-10:15
- Week 82 - Covering Exodus 24:1-24:18, 1 Samuel 13:1-14:22, Proverbs 19:16-19:20, Psalms 87:1-87:7, and Romans 10:16-11:8
- Week 83 - Covering Exodus 25:1-25:20, 1 Samuel 14:23-14:52, Proverbs 19:21-20:1, Psalms 88:1-88:18, and Romans 11:9-11:21
- Week 84 - Covering Exodus 25:21-25:40, Psalms 89:1-89:52, and Romans 11:22-11:36
- Week 85 - Covering Exodus 26:1-26:30, 1 Samuel 15:1-15:35, Proverbs 20:2-20:6, Psalms 90:1-90:17, and Romans 12:1-12:13
- Week 86 - Covering Exodus 26:31-27:21, 1 Samuel 16:1-17:11, Proverbs 20:7-20:11, Psalms 91:1-91:16, and Romans 12:14-13:7
- Week 87 - Covering Exodus 28:1-28:21, 1 Samuel 17:12-17:52, Proverbs 20:12-20:15, Psalms 92:1-92:15, and Romans 13:8-14:8
- Week 88 - Covering Exodus 28:22-28:43, 1 Samuel 17:53-19:7, Proverbs 20:16-20:25, Psalms 93:1-93:5, and Romans 14:9-14:23
- Week 89 - Covering Exodus 29:1-29:25, 1 Samuel 19:8-20:16, Proverbs 20:26-20:30, Psalms 94:1-94:23, and Romans 15:1-15:13
- Week 90 - Covering Exodus 29:26-29:46, 1 Samuel 20:17-22:1, Proverbs 21:1-21:7, Psalms 95:1-95:11, and Romans 15:14-15:27
- Week 91 - Covering Exodus 30:1-30:21, 1 Samuel 22:2-23:18, Proverbs 21:8-21:12, Psalms 96:1-96:13, and Romans 15:28-16:5
- Week 92 - Covering Exodus 30:22-30:38, 1 Samuel 23:19-25:1, Proverbs 21:13-21:20, Psalms 97:1-97:12, and Romans 16:6-16:16
- Week 93 - Covering Exodus 31:1-32:6, 1 Samuel 25:2-25:44, Proverbs 21:21-21:26, Psalms 98:1-98:9, and Romans 16:17-16:27
- Week 94 - Covering Exodus 32:7-32:35, 1 Samuel 26:1-28:4, Proverbs 21:27-21:31, Psalms 99:1-99:9, and 1 Corinthians 1:1-1:15
- Week 95 - Covering Exodus 33:1-33:23, 1 Samuel 28:5-30:31, and 1 Corinthians 1:16-1:31
- Week 96 - Covering Exodus 34:1-34:35, 1 Samuel 31:1 - 2 Samuel 2:9, Proverbs 22:1-22:5, Psalms 100:1-100:5, and 1 Corinthians 2:1-2:16
- Week 97 - Covering Exodus 35:1-35:35, 2 Samuel 2:10-3:21, Proverbs 22:6-22:10, Psalms 101:1-101:8, and 1 Corinthians 3:1-3:15
- Week 98 - Covering Exodus 36:1-36:19, 2 Samuel 3:22-4:12, Proverbs 22:11-22:15, Psalms 102:1-102:28, and 1 Corinthians 3:16-4:6
- Week 99 - Covering Exodus 36:20-36:38, 2 Samuel 5:1-5:25, Proverbs 22:16-22:23, Psalms 103:1-103:22, and 1 Corinthians 4:7-4:21
- Week 100 - Covering Exodus 37:1-37:29, 2 Samuel 6:1-6:23, Proverbs 22:24-22:29, Psalms 104:1-104:35, and 1 Corinthians 5:1-5:13
- Week 101 - Covering Exodus 38:1-38:31, Proverbs 23:1-23:8, Psalms 105:1-105:45, and 1 Corinthians 6:1-6:11
- Week 102 - Covering Exodus 39:1-39:21, Proverbs 23:9-23:18, Psalms 106:1-106:48, and 1 Corinthians 6:12-7:6
- Week 103 - Covering Exodus 39:22-39:43, Proverbs 23:19-23:28, Psalms 107:1-107:43, and 1 Corinthians 7:7-7:24
- Week 104 - Covering Exodus 40:1-40:19, 2 Samuel 7:1-8:18, Proverbs 23:29-23:35, Psalms 108:1-108:13, and 1 Corinthians 7:25-7:40
- Week 105 - Covering Exodus 40:20-40:38, 2 Samuel 9:1-10:19, Proverbs 24:1-24:2, Psalms 109:1-109:31, and 1 Corinthians 8:1-8:13
- Week 106 - Covering Leviticus 1:1-1:17, 2 Samuel 11:1-12:23, Proverbs 24:3-24:7, Psalms 110:1-110:7, and 1 Corinthians 9:1-9:14
- Week 107 - Covering Leviticus 2:1-2:16, 2 Samuel 12:24-13:37, Proverbs 24:8-24:16, Psalms 111:1-111:10, and 1 Corinthians 9:15-9:27
- Week 108 - Covering Leviticus 3:1-3:17, 2 Samuel 13:38-15:6, Proverbs 24:17-24:22, Psalms 112:1-112:10, and 1 Corinthians 10:1-10:12
- Week 109 - Covering Leviticus 4:1-4:35, 2 Samuel 15:7-16:14, Proverbs 24:23-24:29, Psalms 113:1-113:9, and 1 Corinthians 10:13-10:33
- Week 110 - Covering Leviticus 5:1-5:19, 2 Samuel 16:15-17:29, Proverbs 24:30-24:34, Psalms 114:1-114:8, and 1 Corinthians 11:1-11:16
- Week 111 - Covering Leviticus 6:1-6:30, 2 Samuel 18:1-18:33, Proverbs 25:1-25:10, Psalms 115:1-115:18, and 1 Corinthians 11:17-11:34
- Week 112 - Covering Leviticus 7:1-7:38, 2 Samuel 19:1-19:43, Proverbs 25:11-25:15, Psalms 116:1-116:19, and 1 Corinthians 12:1-12:13
- Week 113 - Covering Leviticus 8:1-8:36, 2 Samuel 20:1-21:22, Proverbs 25:16-25:20, Psalms 117:1-117:2, and 1 Corinthians 12:14-12:31
- Week 114 - Covering Leviticus 9:1-9:24, 2 Samuel 22:1-22:51, and 1 Corinthians 13:1-13:13
- Week 115 - Covering Leviticus 10:1-10:20, 2 Samuel 23:1-23:39, Psalms 118:1-118:29, and 1 Corinthians 14:1-14:12
- Week 116 - Covering Leviticus 11:1-11:23, Psalms 119:1-119:56, and 1 Corinthians 14:13-14:28
- Week 117 - Covering Leviticus 11:24-11:47, Psalms 119:57-119:112, and 1 Corinthians 14:29-14:40
- Week 118 - Covering Leviticus 12:1-13:28, Psalms 119:113-119:176, and 1 Corinthians 15:1-15:11
- Week 119 - Covering Leviticus 13:29-13:59, 2 Samuel 24:1-24:25, Proverbs 25:21-25:24, Psalms 120:1-120:7, and 1 Corinthians 15:12-15:30
- Week 120 - Covering Leviticus 14:1-14:32, 1 Kings 1:1-1:53, Proverbs 25:25-25:28, Psalms 121:1-121:8, and 1 Corinthians 15:31-15:46
- Week 121 - Covering Leviticus 14:33-14:57, 1 Kings 2:1-2:46, Proverbs 26:1-26:5, Psalms 122:1-122:9, and 1 Corinthians 15:47-15:58
- Week 122 - Covering Leviticus 15:1-15:33, 1 Kings 3:1-4:21, Proverbs 26:6-26:12, Psalms 123:1-123:4, and 1 Corinthians 16:1-16:13
- Week 123 - Covering Leviticus 16:1-16:34, 1 Kings 4:22-6:10, Proverbs 26:13-26:19, Psalms 124:1-124:8, and 1 Corinthians 16:14-16:24
- Week 124 - Covering Leviticus 17:1-17:16, 1 Kings 6:11-7:22, Proverbs 26:20-26:23, Psalms 125:1-125:5, and 2 Corinthians 1:1-1:11
- Week 125 - Covering Leviticus 18:1-18:30, 1 Kings 7:23-8:19, Proverbs 26:24-26:28, Psalms 126:1-126:6, and 2 Corinthians 1:12-1:24
- Week 126 - Covering Leviticus 19:1-19:18, 1 Kings 8:20-8:66, Proverbs 27:1-27:6, Psalms 127:1-127:5, and 2 Corinthians 2:1-2:17
- Week 127 - Covering Leviticus 19:19-19:37, 1 Kings 9:1-10:22, Proverbs 27:7-27:11, Psalms 128:1-128:6, and 2 Corinthians 3:1-3:18
- Week 128 - Covering Leviticus 20:1-20:27, 1 Kings 10:23-11:43, Proverbs 27:12-27:18, Psalms 129:1-129:8, and 2 Corinthians 4:1-4:15
- Week 129 - Covering Leviticus 21:1-21:24, 1 Kings 12:1-13:10, Proverbs 27:19-27:27, Psalms 130:1-130:8, and 2 Corinthians 4:16-5:11
- Week 130 - Covering Leviticus 22:1-22:33, 1 Kings 13:11-14:31, Proverbs 28:1-28:5, Psalms 131:1-131:3, and 2 Corinthians 5:12-5:21
- Week 131 - Covering Leviticus 23:1-23:22, 1 Kings 15:1-15:34, Proverbs 28:6-28:11, Psalms 132:1-132:18, and 2 Corinthians 6:1-6:10
- Week 132 - Covering Leviticus 23:23-23:44, 1 Kings 16:1-17:24, Proverbs 28:12-28:16, Psalms 133:1-133:3, and 2 Corinthians 6:11-7:4
- Week 133 - Covering Leviticus 24:1-24:23, 1 Kings 18:1-19:4, Proverbs 28:17-28:22, Psalms 134:1-134:3, and 2 Corinthians 7:5-7:16
- Week 134 - Covering Leviticus 25:1-25:34, 1 Kings 19:5-20:14, Proverbs 28:23-28:28, Psalms 135:1-135:21, and 2 Corinthians 8:1-8:11
- Week 135 - Covering Leviticus 25:35-25:55, 1 Kings 20:15-20:43, Proverbs 29:1-29:5, Psalms 136:1-136:26, and 2 Corinthians 8:12-8:24
- Week 136 - Covering Leviticus 26:1-26:26, 1 Kings 21:1-22:9, Proverbs 29:6-29:10, Psalms 137:1-137:9, and 2 Corinthians 9:1-9:15
- Week 137 - Covering Leviticus 26:27-26:46, 1 Kings 22:10-22:53, Proverbs 29:11-29:15, Psalms 138:1-138:8, and 2 Corinthians 10:1-10:18
- Week 138 - Covering Leviticus 27:1-27:34, 2 Kings 1:1-1:18, Proverbs 29:16-29:20, Psalms 139:1-139:24, and 2 Corinthians 11:1-11:15
- Week 139 - Covering Numbers 1:1-1:29, 2 Kings 2:1-2:25, Proverbs 29:21-29:27, Psalms 140:1-140:13, and 2 Corinthians 11:16-11:33
- Week 140 - Covering Numbers 1:30-1:54, 2 Kings 3:1-3:27, Proverbs 30:1-30:9, Psalms 141:1-141:10, and 2 Corinthians 12:1-12:11
- Week 141 - Covering Numbers 2:1-2:34, 2 Kings 4:1-4:44, Proverbs 30:10-30:17, Psalms 142:1-142:7, and 2 Corinthians 12:12-12:21
- Week 142 - Covering Numbers 3:1-3:20, 2 Kings 5:1-6:7, Proverbs 30:18-30:23, Psalms 143:1-143:12, and 2 Corinthians 13:1-13:14
- Week 143 - Covering Numbers 3:21-3:51, 2 Kings 6:8-7:20, Proverbs 30:24-30:28, Psalms 144:1-144:15, and Mark 1:1-1:15
- Week 144 - Covering Numbers 4:1-4:20, 2 Kings 8:1-8:29, Proverbs 30:29-30:33, Psalms 145:1-145:21, and Mark 1:16-1:31
- Week 145 - Covering Numbers 4:21-4:49, 2 Kings 9:1-9:37, Proverbs 31:1-31:9, Psalms 146:1-146:10, and Mark 1:32-1:45
- Week 146 - Covering Numbers 5:1-5:31, 2 Kings 10:1-10:10, Proverbs 31:10-31:31, Psalms 147:1-147:20, and Mark 2:1-2:13
- Week 147 - Covering Numbers 6:1-6:27, 2 Kings 10:11-11:21, Psalms 148:1-148:14, and Mark 2:14-2:28
- Week 148 - Covering Numbers 7:1-7:29, 2 Kings 12:1-13:25, Psalms 149:1-149:9, and Mark 3:1-3:12
- Week 149 - Covering Numbers 7:30-7:59, 2 Kings 14:1-15:26, Psalms 150:1-150:6, and Mark 3:13-3:35
- Week 150 - Covering Numbers 7:60-7:89, 1 Chronicles 1:1-1:54, and Mark 4:1-4:20
- Week 151 - Covering Numbers 8:1-8:26, 1 Chronicles 2:1-2:55, and Mark 4:21-4:41
- Week 152 - Covering Numbers 9:1-9:23, 1 Chronicles 3:1-4:23, and Mark 5:1-5:20
- Week 153 - Covering Numbers 10:1-10:36, 1 Chronicles 4:24-5:26, and Mark 5:21-5:43
- Week 154 - Covering Numbers 11:1-11:35, 1 Chronicles 6:1-6:56, and Mark 6:1-6:11
- Week 155 - Covering Numbers 12:1-12:16, 1 Chronicles 6:57-7:29, and Mark 6:12-6:29
- Week 156 - Covering Numbers 13:1-13:20, 1 Chronicles 7:30-8:40, and Mark 6:30-6:44
- Week 157 - Covering Numbers 13:21-14:9, 1 Chronicles 9:1-10:14, and Mark 6:45-6:56
- Week 158 - Covering Numbers 14:10-14:39, 1 Chronicles 11:1-11:47, and Mark 7:1-7:13
- Week 159 - Covering Numbers 14:40-15:16, 1 Chronicles 12:1-13:14, and Mark 7:14-7:23
- Week 160 - Covering Numbers 15:17-15:36, 1 Chronicles 14:1-15:29, and Mark 7:24-7:37
- Week 161 - Covering Numbers 15:37-16:15, 1 Chronicles 16:1-16:43, and Mark 8:1-8:10
- Week 162 - Covering Numbers 16:16-16:35, 1 Chronicles 17:1-19:19, and Mark 8:11-8:21
- Week 163 - Covering Numbers 16:36-17:13, 1 Chronicles 20:1-22:19, and Mark 8:22-8:38
- Week 164 - Covering Numbers 18:1-18:32, 1 Chronicles 23:1-24:31, and Mark 9:1-9:13
- Week 165 - Covering Numbers 19:1-19:22, 1 Chronicles 25:1-26:32, and Mark 9:14-9:29
- Week 166 - Covering Numbers 20:1-20:29, 1 Chronicles 27:1-28:21, and Mark 9:30-9:40
- Week 167 - Covering Numbers 21:1-21:35, 1 Chronicles 29:1 - 2 Chronicles 2:18, and Mark 9:41-9:50
- Week 168 - Covering Numbers 22:1-22:19, 2 Chronicles 3:1-5:14, and Mark 10:1-10:12
- Week 169 - Covering Numbers 22:20-22:41, 2 Chronicles 6:1-7:22, and Mark 10:13-10:31
- Week 170 - Covering Numbers 23:1-23:30, 2 Chronicles 8:1-9:31, and Mark 10:32-10:45
- Week 171 - Covering Numbers 24:1-24:25, 2 Chronicles 10:1-12:16, and Mark 10:46-11:6
- Week 172 - Covering Numbers 25:1-25:18, 2 Chronicles 13:1-15:19, and Mark 11:7-11:18
- Week 173 - Covering Numbers 26:1-26:29, 2 Chronicles 16:1-18:34, and Mark 11:19-11:33
- Week 174 - Covering Numbers 26:30-26:65, 2 Chronicles 19:1-20:37, and Mark 12:1-12:12
- Week 175 - Covering Numbers 27:1-27:23, 2 Chronicles 21:1-23:21, and Mark 12:13-12:27
- Week 176 - Covering Numbers 28:1-28:31, 2 Chronicles 24:1-25:28, and Mark 12:28-12:40
- Week 177 - Covering Numbers 29:1-29:19, 2 Kings 15:27-15:38, 2 Chronicles 26:1-27:9, and Mark 12:41-13:10
- Week 178 - Covering Numbers 29:20-29:40, 2 Kings 16:1-17:12, 2 Chronicles 28:1-28:27, and Mark 13:11-13:23
- Week 179 - Covering Numbers 30:1-30:16, 2 Kings 17:13-18:8, 2 Chronicles 29:1-29:19, and Mark 13:24-13:37
- Week 180 - Covering Numbers 31:1-31:24, 2 Chronicles 29:20-31:21, and Mark 14:1-14:11
- Week 181 - Covering Numbers 31:25-31:54, 2 Kings 18:9-18:36, 2 Chronicles 32:1-32:15, and Mark 14:12-14:21
- Week 182 - Covering Numbers 32:1-32:33, 2 Kings 18:37-19:37, 2 Chronicles 32:16-32:22, and Mark 14:22-14:31
- Week 183 - Covering Numbers 32:34-33:21, 2 Kings 20:1-21:9, 2 Chronicles 32:23-33:9, and Mark 14:32-14:41
- Week 184 - Covering Numbers 33:22-33:56, 2 Kings 21:10-22:7, 2 Chronicles 33:10-34:13, and Mark 14:42-14:56
- Week 185 - Covering Numbers 34:1-34:29, 2 Kings 22:8-23:20, 2 Chronicles 34:14-34:33, and Mark 14:57-14:72
- Week 186 - Covering Numbers 35:1-35:34, 2 Kings 23:21-23:30, 2 Chronicles 35:1-36:1, and Mark 15:1-15:15
- Week 187 - Covering Numbers 36:1-36:13, Deuteronomy 1:1-1:18, 2 Kings 23:31-24:17, 2 Chronicles 36:2-36:10, and Mark 15:16-15:28
- Week 188 - Covering Deuteronomy 1:19-1:46, 2 Kings 24:18-25:30, 2 Chronicles 36:11-36:23, and Mark 15:29-15:41
- Week 189 - Covering Deuteronomy 2:1-2:23, Jeremiah 1:1-2:37, and Mark 15:42-16:4
- Week 190 - Covering Deuteronomy 2:24-3:7, Jeremiah 3:1-4:31, and Mark 16:5-16:20
- Week 191 - Covering Deuteronomy 3:8-3:29, Jeremiah 5:1-6:30, and Galatians 1:1-1:20
- Week 192 - Covering Deuteronomy 4:1-4:20, Jeremiah 7:1-8:22, and Galatians 1:21-2:8
- Week 193 - Covering Deuteronomy 4:21-4:49, Jeremiah 9:1-10:25, and Galatians 2:9-2:21
- Week 194 - Covering Deuteronomy 5:1-5:22, Jeremiah 11:1-12:17, and Galatians 3:1-3:14
- Week 195 - Covering Deuteronomy 5:23-6:9, Jeremiah 13:1-14:22, and Galatians 3:15-3:29
- Week 196 - Covering Deuteronomy 6:10-7:4, Jeremiah 15:1-16:21, and Galatians 4:1-4:12
- Week 197 - Covering Deuteronomy 7:5-7:26, Jeremiah 17:1-18:23, and Galatians 4:13-4:31
- Week 198 - Covering Deuteronomy 8:1-8:20, Jeremiah 19:1-20:18, and Galatians 5:1-5:13
- Week 199 - Covering Deuteronomy 9:1-9:21, Jeremiah 21:1-22:30, and Galatians 5:14-5:26
- Week 200 - Covering Deuteronomy 9:22-10:13, Jeremiah 23:1-24:10, and Galatians 6:1-6:18
- Week 201 - Covering Deuteronomy 10:14-11:12, Jeremiah 25:1-25:38, and Ephesians 1:1-1:14
- Week 202 - Covering Deuteronomy 11:13-11:32, Jeremiah 26:1-28:17, and Ephesians 1:15-2:7
- Week 203 - Covering Deuteronomy 12:1-12:32, Jeremiah 29:1-30:24, and Ephesians 2:8-2:22
- Week 204 - Covering Deuteronomy 13:1-13:18, Jeremiah 31:1-31:40, and Ephesians 3:1-3:21
- Week 205 - Covering Deuteronomy 14:1-14:29, Jeremiah 32:1-32:44, and Ephesians 4:1-4:16
- Week 206 - Covering Deuteronomy 15:1-15:23, Jeremiah 33:1-34:22, and Ephesians 4:17-4:32
- Week 207 - Covering Deuteronomy 16:1-16:22, Jeremiah 35:1-36:32, and Ephesians 5:1-5:16
- Week 208 - Covering Deuteronomy 17:1-17:20, Jeremiah 37:1-39:1, and Ephesians 5:17-5:33
- Week 209 - Covering Deuteronomy 18:1-18:22, Jeremiah 39:2-41:18, and Ephesians 6:1-6:10
- Week 210 - Covering Deuteronomy 19:1-19:21, Jeremiah 42:1-44:30, and Ephesians 6:11-6:24
- Week 211 - Covering Deuteronomy 20:1-20:20, Jeremiah 45:1-47:7, and Philippians 1:1-1:11
- Week 212 - Covering Deuteronomy 21:1-21:23, Jeremiah 48:1-48:47, and Philippians 1:12-1:30
- Week 213 - Covering Deuteronomy 22:1-22:30, Jeremiah 49:1-49:39, and Philippians 2:1-2:13
- Week 214 - Covering Deuteronomy 23:1-23:25, Jeremiah 50:1-51:9, and Philippians 2:14-2:30
- Week 215 - Covering Deuteronomy 24:1-24:22, Jeremiah 51:10-51:64, and Philippians 3:1-3:21
- Week 216 - Covering Deuteronomy 25:1-25:19, Jeremiah 52:1-52:34, and Philippians 4:1-4:23
- Week 217 - Covering Deuteronomy 26:1-26:19, Lamentations 1:1-2:22, and Colossians 1:1-1:15
- Week 218 - Covering Deuteronomy 27:1-27:26, Lamentations 3:1-3:50, and Colossians 1:16-1:29
- Week 219 - Covering Deuteronomy 28:1-28:22, Lamentations 3:51-5:22, and Colossians 2:1-2:10
- Week 220 - Covering Deuteronomy 28:23-28:44, Nahum 1:1-3:19, and Colossians 2:11-2:23
- Week 221 - Covering Deuteronomy 28:45-28:68, Habakkuk 1:1-3:19, and Colossians 3:1-3:11
- Week 222 - Covering Deuteronomy 29:1-29:29, Zephaniah 1:1-3:20, and Colossians 3:12-3:25
- Week 223 - Covering Deuteronomy 30:1-30:20, Haggai 1:1-2:23, and Colossians 4:1-4:18
- Week 224 - Covering Deuteronomy 31:1-31:29, Zechariah 1:1-3:10, and James 1:1-1:27
- Week 225 - Covering Deuteronomy 31:30-32:25, Zechariah 4:1-7:14, and James 2:1-2:26
- Week 226 - Covering Deuteronomy 32:26-32:52, Zechariah 8:1-10:12, and James 3:1-3:18
- Week 227 - Covering Deuteronomy 33:1-33:29, Zechariah 11:1-14:21, and James 4:1-4:17
- Week 228 - Covering Deuteronomy 34:1-34:12, Malachi 1:1-4:6, and James 5:1-5:20
- Week 229 - Covering Genesis 1:1-2:3, Isaiah 1:1-1:20, and Matthew 1:1-1:25
- Week 230 - Covering Genesis 2:4-2:25, Isaiah 1:21-1:31, and Matthew 2:1-2:15
- Week 231 - Covering Genesis 3:1-3:24, Isaiah 2:1-3:9, and Matthew 2:16-3:12
- Week 232 - Covering Genesis 4:1-4:26, Isaiah 3:10-4:6, and Matthew 3:13-4:12
- Week 233 - Covering Genesis 5:1-5:27, Isaiah 5:1-5:17, and Matthew 4:13-5:10
- Week 234 - Covering Genesis 5:28-6:22, Isaiah 5:18-6:13, and Matthew 5:11-5:30
- Week 235 - Covering Genesis 7:1-7:24, Isaiah 7:1-7:16, and Matthew 5:31-5:48
- Week 236 - Covering Genesis 8:1-8:22, Isaiah 7:17-7:25, and Matthew 6:1-6:18
- Week 237 - Covering Genesis 9:1-9:29, Isaiah 8:1-8:22, and Matthew 6:19-6:34
- Week 238 - Covering Genesis 10:1-10:20, Isaiah 9:1-9:21, and Matthew 7:1-7:29
- Week 239 - Covering Genesis 10:21-11:9, Isaiah 10:1-10:19, and Matthew 8:1-8:17
- Week 240 - Covering Genesis 11:10-11:32, Isaiah 10:20-10:34, and Matthew 8:18-8:34
- Week 241 - Covering Genesis 12:1-12:20, Isaiah 11:1-12:6, and Matthew 9:1-9:17
- Week 242 - Covering Genesis 13:1-13:18, Isaiah 13:1-13:22, and Matthew 9:18-9:38
- Week 243 - Covering Genesis 14:1-14:24, Isaiah 14:1-14:23, and Matthew 10:1-10:20
- Week 244 - Covering Genesis 15:1-15:21, Isaiah 14:24-14:32, and Matthew 10:21-10:42
- Week 245 - Covering Genesis 16:1-17:8, Isaiah 15:1-16:14, and Matthew 11:1-11:19
- Week 246 - Covering Genesis 17:9-18:5, Isaiah 17:1-17:14, and Matthew 11:20-12:8
- Week 247 - Covering Genesis 18:6-18:33, Isaiah 18:1-19:12, and Matthew 12:9-12:21
- Week 248 - Covering Genesis 19:1-19:29, Isaiah 19:13-20:6, and Matthew 12:22-12:45
- Week 249 - Covering Genesis 19:30-20:18, Isaiah 21:1-21:17, and Matthew 12:46-13:23
- Week 250 - Covering Genesis 21:1-21:24, Isaiah 22:1-22:25, and Matthew 13:24-13:43
- Week 251 - Covering Genesis 21:25-22:19, Isaiah 23:1-23:18, and Matthew 13:44-13:58
- Week 252 - Covering Genesis 22:20-23:20, Isaiah 24:1-24:18, and Matthew 14:1-14:21
- Week 253 - Covering Genesis 24:1-24:21, Isaiah 24:19-25:12, and Matthew 14:22-14:36
- Week 254 - Covering Genesis 24:22-24:49, Isaiah 26:1-26:12, and Matthew 15:1-15:20
- Week 255 - Covering Genesis 24:50-25:6, Isaiah 26:13-27:13, and Matthew 15:21-15:39
- Week 256 - Covering Genesis 25:7-25:34, Isaiah 28:1-28:29, and Matthew 16:1-16:20
- Week 257 - Covering Genesis 26:1-26:25, Isaiah 29:1-29:24, and Matthew 16:21-16:28
- Week 258 - Covering Genesis 26:26-27:10, Isaiah 30:1-30:21, and Matthew 17:1-17:13
- Week 259 - Covering Genesis 27:11-27:40, Isaiah 30:22-31:9, and Matthew 17:14-17:27
- Week 260 - Covering Genesis 27:41-28:22, Isaiah 32:1-32:20, and Matthew 18:1-18:20
- Week 261 - Covering Genesis 29:1-29:30, Isaiah 33:1-33:24, and Matthew 18:21-19:2
- Week 262 - Covering Genesis 29:31-30:24, Isaiah 34:1-34:17, and Matthew 19:3-19:15
- Week 263 - Covering Genesis 30:25-30:43, Isaiah 35:1-35:10, and Matthew 19:16-19:26
- Week 264 - Covering Genesis 31:1-31:25, Isaiah 36:1-36:21, and Matthew 19:27-20:16
- Week 265 - Covering Genesis 31:26-31:55, Isaiah 36:22-37:20, and Matthew 20:17-20:34
- Week 266 - Covering Genesis 32:1-32:32, Isaiah 37:21-37:38, and Matthew 21:1-21:22
- Week 267 - Covering Genesis 33:1-33:20, Isaiah 38:1-38:22, and Matthew 21:23-21:46
- Week 268 - Covering Genesis 34:1-34:31, Isaiah 39:1-40:11, and Matthew 22:1-22:22
- Week 269 - Covering Genesis 35:1-35:29, Isaiah 40:12-40:31, and Matthew 22:23-22:46
- Week 270 - Covering Genesis 36:1-36:19, Isaiah 41:1-41:14, and Matthew 23:1-23:22
- Week 271 - Covering Genesis 36:20-36:43, Isaiah 41:15-41:29, and Matthew 23:23-23:39
- Week 272 - Covering Genesis 37:1-37:36, Isaiah 42:1-42:25, and Matthew 24:1-24:22
- Week 273 - Covering Genesis 38:1-38:30, Isaiah 43:1-43:13, and Matthew 24:23-24:51
- Week 274 - Covering Genesis 39:1-39:23, Isaiah 43:14-43:28, and Matthew 25:1-25:30
- Week 275 - Covering Genesis 40:1-40:23, Isaiah 44:1-44:28, and Matthew 25:31-25:46
- Week 276 - Covering Genesis 41:1-41:32, Isaiah 45:1-45:25, and Matthew 26:1-26:19
- Week 277 - Covering Genesis 41:33-42:4, Isaiah 46:1-46:13, and Matthew 26:20-26:46
- Week 278 - Covering Genesis 42:5-42:38, Isaiah 47:1-47:15, and Matthew 26:47-26:75
- Week 279 - Covering Genesis 43:1-43:34, Isaiah 48:1-48:22, and Matthew 27:1-27:32
- Week 280 - Covering Genesis 44:1-44:34, Isaiah 49:1-49:26, and Matthew 27:33-27:66
- Week 281 - Covering Genesis 45:1-45:28, Isaiah 50:1-50:11, and Matthew 28:1-28:20
- Week 282 - Covering Genesis 46:1-46:34, Isaiah 51:1-51:23, and 1 Thessalonians 1:1-2:12
- Week 283 - Covering Genesis 47:1-47:31, Isaiah 52:1-52:15, and 1 Thessalonians 2:13-3:13
- Week 284 - Covering Genesis 48:1-48:22, Isaiah 53:1-53:12, and 1 Thessalonians 4:1-4:18
- Week 285 - Covering Genesis 49:1-49:33, Isaiah 54:1-54:17, and 1 Thessalonians 5:1-5:28
- Week 286 - Covering Genesis 50:1-50:26, Isaiah 55:1-56:12, and 2 Thessalonians 1:1-2:12
- Week 287 - Covering Exodus 1:1-1:22, Isaiah 57:1-57:21, and 2 Thessalonians 2:13-3:18
- Week 288 - Covering Exodus 2:1-2:25, Isaiah 58:1-58:14, and 1 Peter 1:1-1:25
- Week 289 - Covering Exodus 3:1-3:22, Isaiah 59:1-59:21, and 1 Peter 2:1-2:25
- Week 290 - Covering Exodus 4:1-4:31, Isaiah 60:1-60:22, and 1 Peter 3:1-3:22
- Week 291 - Covering Exodus 5:1-5:23, Isaiah 61:1-62:12, and 1 Peter 4:1-4:19
- Week 292 - Covering Exodus 6:1-6:30, Isaiah 63:1-63:19, and 1 Peter 5:1-5:14
- Week 293 - Covering Exodus 7:1-7:25, Isaiah 64:1-64:12, and 2 Peter 1:1-1:21
- Week 294 - Covering Exodus 8:1-8:32, Isaiah 65:1-65:25, and 2 Peter 2:1-2:22
- Week 295 - Covering Exodus 9:1-9:35, Isaiah 66:1-66:24, and 2 Peter 3:1-3:18
- Week 296 - Covering Exodus 10:1-10:29, Ezekiel 1:1-1:28, and Luke 1:1-1:20
- Week 297 - Covering Exodus 11:1-12:20, Ezekiel 2:1-2:10, and Luke 1:21-1:38
- Week 298 - Covering Exodus 12:21-12:51, Ezekiel 3:1-3:15, and Luke 1:39-1:56
- Week 299 - Covering Exodus 13:1-13:22, Ezekiel 3:16-3:27, and Luke 1:57-1:80
- Week 300 - Covering Exodus 14:1-14:31, Ezekiel 4:1-4:17, and Luke 2:1-2:14
- Week 301 - Covering Exodus 15:1-15:27, Ezekiel 5:1-5:17, and Luke 2:15-2:39
- Week 302 - Covering Exodus 16:1-16:30, Ezekiel 6:1-6:14, and Luke 2:40-2:52
- Week 303 - Covering Exodus 16:31-17:16, Ezekiel 7:1-7:9, and Luke 3:1-3:22
- Week 304 - Covering Exodus 18:1-18:27, Ezekiel 7:10-7:27, and Luke 3:23-3:38
- Week 305 - Covering Exodus 19:1-19:25, Ezekiel 8:1-8:18, and Luke 4:1-4:15
- Week 306 - Covering Exodus 20:1-20:26, Ezekiel 9:1-9:11, and Luke 4:16-4:39
- Week 307 - Covering Exodus 21:1-21:36, Ezekiel 10:1-10:22, and Luke 4:40-5:16
- Week 308 - Covering Exodus 22:1-22:31, Ezekiel 11:1-11:25, and Luke 5:17-5:39
- Week 309 - Covering Exodus 23:1-23:33, Ezekiel 12:1-12:16, and Luke 6:1-6:23
- Week 310 - Covering Exodus 24:1-24:18, Ezekiel 12:17-12:28, and Luke 6:24-6:49
- Week 311 - Covering Exodus 25:1-25:20, Ezekiel 13:1-13:23, and Luke 7:1-7:23
- Week 312 - Covering Exodus 25:21-25:40, Ezekiel 14:1-14:23, and Luke 7:24-7:50
- Week 313 - Covering Exodus 26:1-26:30, Ezekiel 15:1-15:8, and Luke 8:1-8:25
- Week 314 - Covering Exodus 26:31-27:21, Ezekiel 16:1-16:22, and Luke 8:26-8:56
- Week 315 - Covering Exodus 28:1-28:21, Ezekiel 16:23-16:43, and Luke 9:1-9:17
- Week 316 - Covering Exodus 28:22-28:43, Ezekiel 16:44-16:63, and Luke 9:18-9:36
- Week 317 - Covering Exodus 29:1-29:25, Ezekiel 17:1-17:24, and Luke 9:37-9:56
- Week 318 - Covering Exodus 29:26-29:46, Ezekiel 18:1-18:32, and Luke 9:57-10:16
- Week 319 - Covering Exodus 30:1-30:21, Ezekiel 19:1-19:14, and Luke 10:17-10:42
- Week 320 - Covering Exodus 30:22-30:38, Ezekiel 20:1-20:14, and Luke 11:1-11:28
- Week 321 - Covering Exodus 31:1-32:6, Ezekiel 20:15-20:22, and Luke 11:29-11:51
- Week 322 - Covering Exodus 32:7-32:35, Ezekiel 20:23-20:44, and Luke 11:52-12:12
- Week 323 - Covering Exodus 33:1-33:23, Ezekiel 20:45-21:7, and Luke 12:13-12:31
- Week 324 - Covering Exodus 34:1-34:35, Ezekiel 21:8-21:32, and Luke 12:32-12:59
- Week 325 - Covering Exodus 35:1-35:35, Ezekiel 22:1-22:16, and Luke 13:1-13:21
- Week 326 - Covering Exodus 36:1-36:19, Ezekiel 22:17-22:31, and Luke 13:22-13:35
- Week 327 - Covering Exodus 36:20-36:38, Ezekiel 23:1-23:10, and Luke 14:1-14:24
- Week 328 - Covering Exodus 37:1-37:29, Ezekiel 23:11-23:26, and Luke 14:25-14:35
- Week 329 - Covering Exodus 38:1-38:31, Ezekiel 23:27-23:49, and Luke 15:1-15:10
- Week 330 - Covering Exodus 39:1-39:21, Ezekiel 24:1-24:27, and Luke 15:11-15:32
- Week 331 - Covering Exodus 39:22-39:43, Ezekiel 25:1-25:17, and Luke 16:1-16:18
- Week 332 - Covering Exodus 40:1-40:19, Ezekiel 26:1-26:21, and Luke 16:19-16:31
- Week 333 - Covering Exodus 40:20-40:38, Ezekiel 27:1-27:18, and Luke 17:1-17:19
- Week 334 - Covering Leviticus 1:1-1:17, Ezekiel 27:19-27:36, and Luke 17:20-17:37
- Week 335 - Covering Leviticus 2:1-2:16, Ezekiel 28:1-28:26, and Luke 18:1-18:17
- Week 336 - Covering Leviticus 3:1-3:17, Ezekiel 29:1-29:21, and Luke 18:18-18:43
- Week 337 - Covering Leviticus 4:1-4:35, Ezekiel 30:1-30:26, and Luke 19:1-19:10
- Week 338 - Covering Leviticus 5:1-5:19, Ezekiel 31:1-31:18, and Luke 19:11-19:28
- Week 339 - Covering Leviticus 6:1-6:30, Ezekiel 32:1-32:16, and Luke 19:29-19:48
- Week 340 - Covering Leviticus 7:1-7:38, Ezekiel 32:17-32:32, and Luke 20:1-20:26
- Week 341 - Covering Leviticus 8:1-8:36, Ezekiel 33:1-33:20, and Luke 20:27-20:47
- Week 342 - Covering Leviticus 9:1-9:24, Ezekiel 33:21-33:33, and Luke 21:1-21:19
- Week 343 - Covering Leviticus 10:1-10:20, Ezekiel 34:1-34:31, and Luke 21:20-21:38
- Week 344 - Covering Leviticus 11:1-11:23, Ezekiel 35:1-35:15, and Luke 22:1-22:20
- Week 345 - Covering Leviticus 11:24-11:47, Ezekiel 36:1-36:23, and Luke 22:21-22:46
- Week 346 - Covering Leviticus 12:1-13:28, Ezekiel 36:24-36:38, and Luke 22:47-22:71
- Week 347 - Covering Leviticus 13:29-13:59, Ezekiel 37:1-37:28, and Luke 23:1-23:19
- Week 348 - Covering Leviticus 14:1-14:32, Ezekiel 38:1-38:23, and Luke 23:20-23:38