Blow the Shofar! The 7th New Moon has been sighted! Rosh Chodesh Sameach!! Happy New Moon Day! It’s the month of HaEitaniym (The Continual Flowings)! Happy Yom Teruah! Shabbaton Shalom!
You can click here to view a study about our beliefs regarding New Moon Sighting Witnesses.
New Moon sightings were sent in from believers in Yahushua we know from the following locations:
- 4 Witnesses – 2023-09-16 @ 7:58 PM EST – USA – Reading, PA
- 4 Witnesses – 2023-09-16 @ 7:32 PM CST – USA – Ava, MO
- 1 Witness – 2023-09-16 @ 7:43 PM CST – USA – Ava, MO (See Below Photo)
Note: There was another sighting reported to me which occurred 6:20 PM in Trinidad, but there was one aspect that did not meet all of the required criteria, on accident, so we would have to treat it more as a “1-person” sighting.
Ava, MO