2023-2024 Upcoming 7th New Moon Info

New Moon Yom Teruah Update / Watch Info:

Shalom or if it’s already shabbat where you are, shabbat shalom. We don’t expect the new moon to be visible tonight but as a matter of principle if you are able to look with a second witness from home without driving to confirm you did not see the new moon, tonight is the night after the 29th day which means the time to look – but we do not expect anyone to see the new moon tonight and we expect the 7th New Moon of Yom Teruah to start tomorrow night by default. Also, if you are able to look without driving tomorrow as Sabbath ends or has ended, please let me know time, location, # of witnesses, confirmation nobody looked through cameras/binoculars etc. but I do not want to cause anyone to drive due to the Shabbat and because we have a fairly good idea that it can’t be seen tonight – and tomorrow will be new moon by default, therefore, but sightings tomorrow night are appreciated if driving is not needed to get the sighting with someone else.

Before being able to submit a sighting that will be accepted, you must follow the criteria required and understand the process. More info on new moons related to this and the process and why can be found at the following two links but you will need to contact me also to discuss using the contact form on WYLH.org. So if you want to submit a sighting use the contact link below because it requires a phone call back. See below links:

New Moon Witnesses: https://WYLH.org/biblical-calendar/new-moon-sighting-witnesses.php

Additional New Moon Witness Criteria Info: https://WYLH.org/biblical-calendar/new-moon-witness-criteria.php

Contact Form (then I will call you back – must have a USA # to get a call back): https://WYLH.org/contact.php

Yom Teruah, which will occur on the first day of the Week from the evening of 9/16/2023 until the evening ending the Biblical day 9/17/2023 is an annual Sabbath as mentioned in Leviticus 23 – the first day of the 7th Biblical Month. Yom means “Day” and Teruah means “Alarm” or “Shouting” – so Yom Teruah is the “Day of Alarm” or “Day of Shouting” (you may have heard others call it Feast of Trumpets but although a Trumpet can “make a Teruah” the word “Teruah” doesn’t actually mean trumpet – that’s another word in Hebrew).

This upcoming day of Alarm that starts after this weekly Sabbath is to remind us to be alert – to be awake – to be “ready” at the alarm when we are woken up (if we have died before He returns) for the coming of Yahushua at the Last Trump – at the great Shout – and the walls of this world will fall down as in Yericho:

Joshua 6:20 And the people shouted when the priests blew the horns. And it came to be when the people heard the sound of the horn, and the people shouted with a great shout, that the wall fell down flat. And the people went up into the city, every man straight before him, and they captured the city.

1 Thessalonians 4:16 Because the Adon Himself shall come down from sky with a shout, with the voice of a chief messenger, and with the trumpet of Elohiym, and the dead in Anointed shall rise first.

Watch! He is coming. Be ready for the end. Be ready to hear the alarm sounding.