A Letter To The Jewish People


Attacking Jewish people is wrong. Making up lies to blame Jewish people is wrong. Here is what "true" Christianity really teaches:

  • Matthew 5:44 But I say to you, love your enemies, bless those cursing you, do good to those hating you, and pray for those insulting you and persecuting you
  • Romans 12:18 If possible, on your part, be at peace with all men.
  • 3 John 1:11 Beloved ones, do not imitate the evil, but the good. The one who is doing good is of Elohiym, but he who is doing evil has not seen Elohiym.
  • Romans 13:10 Love does no evil to a neighbor. Therefore, love is completion of the Torah.
  • Zechariah 8:17 "And do not plot evil in your heart against another, and do not love a false oath. For all these I hate," declares Yahweh.
  • Leviticus 19:18 Do not take vengeance or bear a grudge against the children of your people. And you shall love your neighbor as yourself. I am Yahweh.
  • Matthew 22:39 And the second is like it, "You shall love your neighbor as yourself."
  • Mark 12:31 And the second, like it, is this, "You shall love your neighbor as yourself." There is no other command greater than these.
  • Galatians 5:14 For the entire Torah is completed in one word, in this, "You shall love your neighbor as yourself."
  • Matthew 26:52 Then Yahushua said to him, "Return your sword to its place, for all who take the sword shall die by the sword."

Our goal as Christians is mandated to help others come to believe in Yahushua as Mashiach and Melekh, the Son of the Living Elohiym who came and died and laid in the tomb and was raised the third day, and repent by following in Yahushua's footsteps of obeying the Torah given through Mosheh and the Prophets sent by Yahweh; all of the commandments, and all that Yahushua and those He sent taught as well. How could we help someone if we harmed them? That makes no sense. If someone does not yet believe what we believe, we are still supposed to love them, pray for them, and try to help them come to the correct understanding. Harming people and making up lies about people is wrong and not part of Christianity.

I am a believer in Yahushua the Messiah as Mashiach / The Anointed One. I have come to the understanding that He never did away with any of the Torah - although many Christians incorrectly have that understanding - they are incorrect. The books in Christian Bibles from Matthew to Revelation actually are not changing anything from the Tanakh Hebrew Bible. It is only elaborating further on how to correctly understand the Tanakh, showing fulfilled prophesies, and calling disciples of Yahushua to a higher calling, making the Torah honorable and magnified as prophesied in Isaiah 42:21. There is nothing in the books of Matthew to Revelation that changes anything from the Tanakh. The books of Matthew through Revelation do, however, call us to an even higher and greater standard with Yahushua and the Apostles revealing new commandments and higher standards from Yahweh that we are to keep in addition to what was given before from the Tanakh. This is what Deuteronomy 18:15-19 is speaking of when Yahweh says He would raise up a prophet like Mosheh and we must hear Him.

The reason most Christians misunderstand the Bible and they don't realize we should keep Shabbat and eat only clean animals is because over the last 2,000 years there have been false teachings that were brought into Christianity which are not actually part of the "Christianity" that the Bible speaks of. The books from Matthew to Revelation never condone breaking commands in the Torah. In fact, it only calls people to an even higher standard of honorable conduct. None of the animal offerings are abolished. The reason people think those things is because they misunderstand the books from Matthew to Revelation.

I spend a lot of my time explaining these things to people and teaching them how to correctly understand the books from Matthew to Revelation. The writings of some of Matthew to Revelation are to address certain false teachings that existed 2,000 years ago. Those writings however, have been greatly misunderstood and taken out of context. There are also deep hidden truths revealed in parts of Matthew to Revelation about the Priesthood of the Order of Malkiy-Tsedeq mentioned in Psalms (Tehillim) 110:4. When teaching on this in the book of Hebrews, many Christians get confused and think that this means the Levitical priesthood is "done away with" - this is not what the book of Hebrews teaches. What Hebrews is teaching is the purpose of the Levitical priesthood. One of the purposes of the priesthood of the Sons of Aharon and the offerings are to point to the heavenly priesthood of the order of Malkiy-Tsedeq mentioned in Psalms (Tehillim) 110:4. In pointing to the heavenly priesthood - this teaches us about what Yahushua does for us and helps us understand some of the events in Matthew to Revelation also. So one purpose of the Levitical priesthood is to teach us about Yahushua, actually, and what he has done for us already or what He will do in the future. It is clear from Ezekiel and Isaiah and Zechariah that the animal offerings will return in the future when Yahushua rules this earth for 1,000 years and there will be the Temple prophesied by Ezekiel standing in those days. The books from Matthew to Revelation do not contradict this, but many Christians incorrectly think they do, either because they aren’t aware of what Ezekiel teaches us because they’ve never actually read it or heard it, or because they don’t understand it fully.

Actually - the man known as "Paul" also known in Hebrew as "Sha'ul" or his Latin Name "Paulus" - he was well-learned in Judaism, wrote some of the writings from Matthew to Revelation, and actually is a Prophet who also took part in supporting animal offerings before the destruction of the Temple in 70 AD. In the book of Acts, there were men who had taken a Nazirite vow of Numbers (Bemidbar) 6. The false accusations against "Paul" existed even while he was still alive, claiming he was "against the law" - so to PROVE he was not against the laws given through Mosheh, he actually supported men who were doing animal offerings to end a Nazirite vow in Acts 21. This proves, beyond any doubt, that his writings must be interpreted with a perspective of previously acknowledging he is definitely not anti-Torah. There are alternative explanations to his writings to show that he never actually condoned breaking the laws.

What he was addressing in his writings is as simple as this: Atonement of sins is only through blood. If we sin, we cannot go back and fix that sin. We cannot do another good act which erases the sin we did before. All of us have sinned. We all still need atonement. Blood is needed for atonement. Therefore salvation, deliverance, and eternal life cannot come through our own good works of keeping the Torah - it must come through a spotless Lamb which is Yahushua the Passover Lamb. So the law is just, holy, and good, but our own efforts in keeping it cannot save us. We are however supposed to obey the commandments because that is how we love Yahweh and love our neighbor. So the writings of Paulus are actually supporting we should keep the Torah - but people have incorrectly concluded he is saying we can get rid of the Torah.

The other reason why many Christians get confused by Paulus' writings is because most Christians do not know that in Judaism there are "oral laws" also. Because they do not know this, when they read about "laws" they think it means "Old Testament Laws given through Mosheh". They do not realize it can actually refer to oral, man-made laws, because most Christians are ignorant there even is oral law, as I myself was also ignorant of this until my 20's. When Paulus' writings reference abolishing laws, he specifically is pointing to laws devised by men, not laws from Yahweh - and the man-made laws he is referencing are laws which created hostility between Israelites and Non-Israelites from Gentile nations. Yahweh never condoned those man-made laws which created hostility, and so those man-made laws are abolished.

We see in 2 Kings 5 that Na'aman from a Gentile Nation became a believer in Yahweh as Elohiym. Na'aman therefore was accepted by Yahweh although he was not a native-born Israelite. There are other examples of people who were from Gentile nations that Yahweh accepted. The laws that "Paul" says are abolished in some of his writings are all the man-made laws, all the traditions of oral law, which create hatred, hostility, or discord between Israelites and non-Israelites where Yahweh did not condone that hostility, between Jews and non-Jews. Yahushua got rid of those man-made laws that created hostility because Yahweh had already accepted some people of other nations even though they were "Gentiles" according to their fleshly heritage.

In the Torah, it has been written there is one law for the stranger and the Israelite - not two (Numbers 15:15). Therefore all the law was intended for all mankind and Yahweh has desired from creation that all mankind come to Him and keep His laws, Sabbaths, New Moons, and Appointed Times (moadiym). So Yahushua puts an end to the man-made laws that created hostility where Yahweh never wanted it. Most Christians, however, are not aware that these oral laws even existed, so when they read "Paul’s" writings - they get confused. They think he's talking about the commandments written on stone at Sinai and other things given through Mosheh - but Paul is actually saying that the oral commands and laws of men that are not from Yahweh - those oral laws which created hostility between Jews and Non-Jews - those oral laws are abolished.

So this is why most Christians misunderstand Matthew to Revelation, and why most Jewish people who are not yet believers may have misunderstood it too. The true good news is that Yahushua came, died, laid in the tomb, and was raised the third day, fulfilling prophesy as the priest and king and prophet all in one. Yahushua HaMashiach never said anything or taught anything against the Torah, and neither did any of His disciples, and neither do any of the books from Matthew to Revelation.

As I minister to people to help reveal truth, these are the things I am teaching, in accordance with sound doctrine. And along with that I share songs of praise also as I write my own music.

My hope is if you are not a believer that you will become one and believe, repent, and be immersed in the Name of Yahushua HaMashiach of Natsareth for the remission of sins, and then you will receive the gift of the Ruach HaQodesh.

Isaiah 53 and the prophets cry out that Yahushua Is HaMashiach. He was born probably in the third Roman month in 4 BC and died and resurrected in the Spring of 30 AD, which was 40 years before the Romans surrounded Yerushalayim before the 70 AD Temple destruction. This does not seem like a coincidence for it to be 40 years. Christians incorrectly think he died on the 6th day of the week, but he died on the 5th day of the week in 30 AD. Some incorrect Christian teachings have dated back all the way to 100 AD, but just because their teaching is old does not mean it is right.

Shortly after the Apostles died, false doctrines began spreading and problems happened for Christians. This was predicted that this would happen by Paulus in Acts 20:29. Originally, Christians were eating clean animals only, following Leviticus 11, and keeping the Sabbath, etc.. A few hundred years later, paganism crept in to the lives of Christians in great amounts and from that point forward a lot of people began associating "Christianity" with pagan practices. Originally, however, Christianity had nothing to do with paganism. So, technically, all these pagan things done today are not really "Christian", but Christians don't know that. Everything that is "pagan" is actually opposed to true Biblical Christianity which teaches to obey the laws of Yahweh.

If you have questions feel free to contact me. Shalom and YHWH bless you and guide you into all truth.