Brother Jeremy from the Texas Prisons writes as follows in his study for other prisoners about anger, pride, and other issues. I have retained his typos to the best of my ability and although I don’t know specifically what versions he’s referencing for quoting scripture, I’ve retained the scripture quotes exactly as I read them in his letter.
—- Jeremy’s Letter/Study —-
While in prison, you will have time to learn many things about the bible. You wil have an opportunity to learn how to follow Yahshua more closely. But you will be exposed to people with different ideas about many issues. Sometimes they will try to challenge what you believe. Some things that you believe are very important, but you will have to learn how Yahweh wants you to share them.
Prison is often a place where people love to argue. Pride cuases arguments, because people don’t want to admit tha they are wrong or they take pleasure in proving that someone else is wrong. Don’t be known as a argumentative person. It is better ot spend time prayign for other believers as well as non believers, and it is more important to share the truth about Yahshua with other people who are not yet following him. Our enemy, “The devil” wants to keep us distracted. He does not want others to know about Yahweh/Yahushua. Don’t let him have his way!
2 Timothy 2:14 – keep on telling everyoen these truths. and warn them before yahweh not to argue about words. Such arguments don’t help anyone, and they ruin those who listen to them – ERV
2 Timothy 2:14 – Of these thigns put them in remembrance, charging them before the master tha tthey strive not about words to no profit, but to the subverting of the hearers. – TwoY
YHWH Help me remain humble forgive me for the times that I have been full of pride and wanted to prove others wrong. I ask that you will show yoru truth to those that are confused or following false beliefs. Help me to know what is true and what is false. In the name of your Son Yahshua HaMashiach.
2 Timothy 2:24 – Now it is obligatory tha ta servant of Yahweh not be argumentative, but gentle toward all. Competent to teach, forbearing
25 – In meekness correcting those who set themselves in opposition; if perhaps Elohim may grant them repentance unto acknowledging of the truth
26 – And that they may wake up and escape from the devil’s snare, who have been taken captive by him to do his will.
The more you study the Bible, the more you will learn to recognize truth. All religions have some truths and good principles. But anything other than belief in Yahshua will lead you into error. You cannot tell if something is the truth unless you know what it is in the Bible meanwhile, you will have to be patient with others who don’t believe the same things as you do.
Prison is often a place where lively religious discussions occur. It may seem as though everyone has an opinion to share. Only participate as long as the discussions do not lead to anger, for you or them. Avoid people hwo are quick to become angery or hwo love to argue. Som people only watn to create disagreement and confusion. If your fellow inmates are caught up in this deception, pray for them rather than argue with them. Look for na opportunity to tell them about Yahshua in a calm way. the story of Yahshua is good news and the holy spirit will guide you as to tell others about Yahshua
John 15:26 – I will send you the healper from abba. The helper is the spirit of truth who comes form the father whne he comes he will tell about me.
27 – And you will tell people about me too, because you have been with me from the beginning.
When believer sspeak about their relationship with Yahweh\Yahshua, it is often called “witnessing”. A person whom is a witness has seen or experienced an event, and then tells others what happened. A person who is a witness has seen or experienced an event, and then tells others what happened. As a witness for Yahshua, you can tell othe rpeople what Yahweh\Yahshua has done for you. You can tell them how Elohim is removing wrong thigns from your life. Share how your life is changing and tell others how Yahweh answers yoru prayers. Let others know how studying the Bible helps you. But do not use the Bible as a weapon for arguing, and don’t try to force others to listen to your story. Respect the privacy of others. The holy Spirit will guide you. the Best witness will always be the way you live your life.
YHWH, I pray that you will guide the truth and reveal your truth ot the people who will accept it. I pray that you will lead me to witness to those of your choosing and that you will open their eyes to the truth. In your Son’s name I ask
Yahshua HaMashiach
—- Jeremy’s Letter/Study —-
The above letter/study was written by brother Jeremy in prison, and not by me. I don’t necessarily word things exactly the same way as brother Jeremy does, but I understand where he’s coming from and appreciate him sharing with me, so I thought I’d share his letter with you all also. I agree with not arguing, but I do think there is a time and place for correction and reproving and sometimes in some situations, exposing false doctrines as false if Scriptures call for such action. But I think what Jeremy is focusing on in his lesson is one-on-one interactions in prison and cautioning against getting prideful or angry with someone which will not bear the fruit we’re wanting to bear. May YHWH have mercy upon us all and help us to do this. Amein.