I attended the March For Life 2016 on 1/22/2016 in downtown Washington D.C.. It was cold and in the middle of it started to snow as the startings of the blizzard began to make its’ way into the region. I took a few pictures as shown below. Music blared over the loudspeakers before finally the line-up of special speakers went to the mic to share. One was an artist, a poet and I think musician if I recall correctly, and I think a believer in the Mashiach/Messiah (Christ – the Anointed) Yahushua also. Others included politicians against abortion as well as a former NFL super bowl player who is also against abortion. This kind of event gets pretty emotional to many of us I’d imagine who attend. I’m thankful for life and I hope in the future to attend with other believers alongside me of likemind. I had my own sign on the Good News of Yahushua and tracts, a few of which I handed out
The website for the organization that hosts the march is http://marchforlife.org/ for more information.
One of my favorite quotes from a speaker was (putting the Name YHWH back instead of the word he used),
“What if everyone woke up today only with the things they thanked YHWH for yesterday?”
Powerful words. May YHWH forgive us for any lack of thankfulness or gratefulness and let His kindnesses be new every morning, and give us hearts of thankfulness and gratefulness to always give the thanks, praise and esteem to due to Him and His name. Many of us, if you are reading this blog, are more blessed than we realize and need to take advantage of the blessings we have to further the Kingdom of YHWH and spread the Good News of His Son Yahushua while we still have time to do so, using all our gifts and talents we can, knowing YHWH will have mercy upon us if we fall short in some way in the process.
In the future I’d like to have my own portable loud speaker and maybe share songs or other things, YHWH willing. We’ll see what happens. Here are the pictures I took. Hopefully in the future I’ll have a better camera too!
Also, a brother who was in Phoenix Arizona had a few pictures from a similar March For Life in Phoenix on the same day which I am posting below.