Sabbath Assembly Reading Schedule

The Makings of The Schedule

I began creating this below reading schedule in 2017 not sure of how long the schedule would end up being, and finished creating the schedule approximately six years later in 2023. I was hoping for around a 7 year schedule so I took a guess at approximately how many verses to do for different sections of the Scriptures. When I got near the end of Genesis to Deuteronomy, I decided it was clear Genesis to Deuteronomy needed to be repeated a second time for the rest of the Scriptures to fit in the schedule. Once I figured out the number of weeks for Genesis to Deuteronomy, then, I multiplied that by two and that gave me the end point for the schedule. Then, I recalculated about how much to cover for the second half of the schedule and made estimates at how many weeks each remaining book should fill in based on the number of verses in each book and the time remaining. So you'll notice the first half of the schedule is structured a little differently than the second half, and that's why - because the calculations and ranges for number of verses to cover for various sections for the second half are different than the first half of this schedule (except for Genesis to Deuteronomy which has identical readings repeated in the second half). I also had to balance the need for readings to make sense in context as well. Parts of the first half of the reading schedule may be a little heavier on the reading side, but the parts with lighter reading in the first half, or second half, may have some difficult prophecy that could require more thinking and in-depth discussion, so I think overall it balances out with reading & discussion time combined. Difficult passages may require more discussion but take less time to read, so it sort of balances out.

Schedule Length, Sections, & Key Highlights

This Schedule takes approximately 8 years 40 weeks to complete (8 x 52 = 416) (416 + 40 = 456) (456 weeks total). This schedule is structured into three sections:

  1. Torah Given Through Mosheh - Genesis to Deuteronomy - This is the only section of the Schedule where readings are repeated twice. The middle point of the reading schedule is week 228 where you see Deuteronomy ends. Weeks 229 through 456 repeats the exact same reading as from Week 1 to 228 for the Genesis to Deuteronomy section. 228 x 2 = 456.
  2. Prophets & Writings - Joshua to Malachi - Proverbs is from the time of Shelomoh, so I didn't want Proverbs to be too later on in the schedule too far after the life of Shelomoh was covered. Also, Proverbs only gives you a little bit each week because each verse could potentially be a sermon of its' own during the discussion time. Psalms is around the time of Dawiyd, so I didn't want that to be too late in the reading schedule after the Scriptures during the time of Dawiyd; but due to adding in the Proverbs & Psalms earlier on in the schedule, that made the reading section of Joshua to Malachi too heavy to immediately tie in Kings to Chronicles. For this reason, when the Schedule gets to Kings, Chronicles is not immediately tied in because that would have made the readings too heavy for a single week. Instead, Kings is read alone all the way through 2 Kings 15:26 in week 149. Then, we do some catch-up with Chronicles from week 150-176. Then, in week 177, Kings and Chronicles are re-united again through to both of their ends. Zechariah and Malachi are placed strategically near the end of the first-half of the reading schedule, from week 224-228, since 228 is the half-way point where Deuteronomy ends. Just as you finish the last words during the time of Mosheh in Deuteronomy, you finish off this section with the third verse from the end in Malachi 4:4 warning the assembly, "Remember the Torah of Mosheh, My servant, which I commanded him in Chorev for all Yisra'eyl - laws and right-rulings." This is done on purpose, as this is the end of the first-half of the reading schedule, which is a strategic time to warn the assembly so that they fear Yahweh and take Him seriously. Similarly, Daniel, an end-time prophecy book, is strategically matched at the very end of the reading schedule to overlap most of the book of Revelation and finish the reading schedule by teaching on the end of this world's kingdoms, what is to come, in these last minutes.
  3. Living Torah & Post-Resurrection Prophets & Writings - Matthew to Revelation - Borrowing phrases I came up with for the Annual Reading Schedule, we repeat those titles for the sections of Scripture from Matthew to John (The Living Torah) and Acts to Revelation (Post-Resurrection Prophets & Writings) to combine these sections together into one for this reading schedule. John (even if you refer to it as the Book of El'azar/Lazarus) is a strategic place to start off Week 1, as it matches to Genesis 1 in a great way for teaching purposes. Matthew, Mark, Luke, John, and Acts are sprinkled strategically throughout the schedule on purpose so that we re-center ourselves around Yahushua's life constantly throughout this Schedule. The first-half of the Schedule ends with James from weeks 224-228, so that just as Mosheh is warning the Israelites that they would go astray after his departure, Malachi warns you to not forget the Torah of Mosheh, and the book of James warning us that faith without works is dead (James 2). So James (or Ya'aqov) is a good end to the mid-point of the Schedule in week 228. The obvious place to end the entire Schedule in week 456 is Revelation, paired alongside the end of Deuteronomy and Daniel.

Purpose of The Bold Asterisk * Seen In The First Half of The Schedule

It should be noted that the asterisk * used with bold font within the first half of the reading schedule indicates to either read faster - or - be prepared to allow for more time to complete the reading. Specifically, in the case of Song of Songs, the intention of the asterisk there is that the men in the assembly would read that part twice as fast so as to not linger too long on things that are not normally read in an assembly all that often, and to not encourage single people who have struggles being single to linger on those thoughts too long in the assembly. However, all Scriptures from Genesis to Revelation are inspired, and there are spiritual significances in Song of Songs, so it shouldn't be skipped as it is inspired Scriptures; but it is purposefully stuffed into fewer weeks on purpose to encourage that it is covered quickly in the assembly and not lingered on week after week after week after week to ponder on for too long, but just get to the point of the spiritual lessons we can learn from it while reading in the assembly context. In other cases, the asterisk * may be intended to benefit prison assemblies of inmates in prison who are on a limited clock due to prison regulations and must know in advance which readings are more lengthy to read faster because of limited time. In cases like Psalms 18, for example, I chose to keep what I viewed as pushing the "Joshua to Malachi section" of the schedule beyond a "longer than normal reading" as a whole all in one sitting, because I wanted the whole Psalm finished in one week and for the purpose of context; so the asterisk * was added there and in some other cases simply so that people in prison or other "limited time situations" would know, "Hey, we better read this one part a little quicker since this reading may take longer to do, or discussion might go longer also." Hope that makes sense to you all. People in prison don't have the luxury of unlimited time or countless hours when gathered like we do.

How Much Time Is Needed?

The below Sabbath Assembly Reading Schedule is flexible for longer or shorter gatherings, depending on how much discussion and teaching is done by brothers related to the reading. Sometimes teachings related to the readings can get off into side-topics that are very interesting and important, but take up more time. We usually spend between 3-5 hours for reading and discussion time using this reading schedule because we go into depth on many different topics during discussion, use multiple translations, lexicons, and dictionaries to study and explain things, dig into the original languages, etc.; and the reading from this schedule is the focus of our Sabbath gatherings. For us, the readings from this schedule are not just a "side thing", they are the central focus of the main Shabbat gatherings because I believe the Miqra Qodesh commanded for Sabbaths (like in Leviticus 23:2-3) is a Qodesh (Holy/Set-Apart) "Reading", as Miqra is translated "reading" in Nehemiah 8:8.

Miqra! Miqra! Miqra!

Since Miqra means "Reading" (as translated in Nehemiah 8:8), why do people translate it as "convocation" or "gathering"? Because, in the past, people did not have their own Biblical Scrolls sitting around at home and if you did not gather together as an assembly on Shabbat, you may not have an opportunity to even hear and learn the Word. The command to have a "reading" inherently implies that you "gather to hear the reading" from an ancient context in which gathering was necessary. The Gathering aspect is expected, therefore, as part of the reading, and the reading is commanded to be done, from the ancient perspective, collectively as a group, not off by yourself. So the actual command is to have a "Set-Apart Reading" but the gathering aspect is implied by that reading intended to be done as a group "together" while "gathered".

💡 By the way - this also chips away at the idea of "first day Church every week" for Christians in the Bible. Acts 15:21 supports the understanding that the only way Christians in the Bible heard the Word was gathering on Sabbath in the synagogues. Remember, Christians in the Bible did not have their own Bibles. Sabbath observance was mandatory to learn the Word as a Christian in the first century learning directly from Apostles. Do not be deceived. FYI - also - the first day of the resurrection already existed in Leviticus 23:11 alongside Sabbath; known as 'the morrow after the Sabbath' - aka - the first day of the week. But the first day resurrection, the day of the First Fruits of the Barley Harvest, is a once-a-year observance, not once-a-week. If you want to honor the resurrection of the Messiah, that's once a year, not once every week; and it doesn't replace Sabbath because that first-day of First Fruits already existed before He came right alongside Sabbath.

Acts 13:42 "And when the Yehudim went out of the congregation, the Gentiles begged to have these words spoken to them the next Sabbath."

Question: Why didn't the Gentiles in Acts 13:42 just "ask Paul to preach the next day at first-day Church service"? The obvious answer is - no Christians were doing first-day Church in the manner that we see done today. Let's get with the times (the ancient times, that is). Forget what you see around you, OK? Let's do what we see in the Word and keep the 7th Day Sabbath Holy (Qodesh/Set-Apart). Don't try to blend in with the crowd and look popular by doing your services on first-day - blend in with the Apostles and keep Shabbat on the 7th Day. 💡

Circling back to the discussion of "Miqra" meaning "Reading": We see the example of a Miqra Qodesh in Acts 13:15 and Acts 15:21, showing how the reading while together is commanded and intended to be the main focal point of the Sabbath gathering. Skipping the group reading is essentially skipping a major, critical part of Shabbat. "Messages", from my perspective, are a "side thing" that will naturally sprout from readings and related discussions, such as when we see in Acts 13:15 they asked if any brothers had any word to speak; but I do not plan "messages" in advance of Sabbath, generally speaking, because it's not necessary. There is plenty in these readings to discuss, so preparing a "message" is not necessary, as the "messages" spurred from the readings will be led by the Set-Apart Spirit on the spot, usually. I believe Yahweh can and does work through the "message format" most assemblies use for their Sabbath services - however, I do not believe the "message format" we currently see most assemblies using today is the normal Biblical commanded format for regular assembly gatherings on Sabbaths. One of the purposes of this reading schedule is to encourage assemblies to switch from the "message format" of their gatherings to the "Reading & Discussion Format" of the Ancient Miqra Qodesh Sabbath gatherings we see in Scriptures. Rather than having the "message" someone gives being the focus, the "Qodesh Reading" (the Miqra Qodesh) should be the focus. Any "messages" which happen to occur would just be incidental, and could be given by any man sporadically in the assembly as Acts 13:15 shows. That points out another part that - technically - any man in the assembly should be able to speak in front of the assembly to give a message during the discussion time following the reading. That's what we see in Scriptures.

Motivations & Purposes of Creating This Schedule

So one main purpose of this reading schedule is to encourage that assemblies switch to a "Reading & Discussion Format" instead of a "Message Format". A second purpose is to provide a standardized schedule which the entire body of Messiah could all get on to all be on the same schedule worldwide, ideally. The other schedules in existence use traditional partitions that people created without taking the New Testament into proper consideration and are not balanced in the number of verses or context throughout Genesis to Revelation to provide a balanced reading with sufficient scriptures to discuss from the entire Bible while still providing time for thorough discussion.

Another motivation behind creating this schedule is related to yet an additional reason why I believe it is a mistake for ministries and assemblies to use the "message format" instead of focusing on a "Reading & Discussion format". I believe that all assemblies should be teaching on every single verse from Genesis to Revelation in their assemblies, not skipping a single verse, and explaining the whole Bible to the entire congregation. While "messages" can expedite the learning process on specific topics, "messages on specific topics" can be recorded and posted to websites for people to watch on their own time instead of being something we have to focus on during the main Shabbat gatherings. I believe the time on Sabbath should cover, as an assembly, reading, teaching, and discussion from Genesis to Revelation and that this is part of being a responsible minister/pastor/shepherd of the sheep. (Side Note: 'As an assembly' means the men only doing the speaking during the reading and discussion, but all in the assembly present to listen - men, women, and children.)

Acts 20:26-31 "Therefore I witness to you this day that I am clear from the blood of all.
27 For I kept not back from declaring to you all the counsel of Elohiym.
28 Therefore take heed to yourselves and to all the flock, among which the Set-apart Spirit has made you overseers, to shepherd the assembly of Elohiym which He has purchased with His own blood.
29 For I know this, that after my departure savage wolves shall come in among you, not sparing the flock.
30 Also from among yourselves men shall arise, speaking distorted teachings, to draw away the disciples after themselves.
31 Therefore watch, remembering that for three years, night and day, I did not cease to warn each one with tears."

Notice Acts 20:27 says he declared to them "all the counsel of Elohiym" - not some, not part, - "all". Genesis to Revelation is "all" of what we have today which is known for certain to definitely be inspired Scriptures, and I believe firmly "all" must/should be declared in the actual Assembly gatherings for all to hear together as an assembly (including children). Everybody needs to learn all of the Scriptures. I believe we should all be reading individually on our own, as well as together as an assembly to permit reading and discussion. The discussion aspect is very clearly only something where brothers speak during the reading and discussion portion of the Miqra Qodesh on a Set-Apart (Holy) Day (Acts 13:15, 1 Timothy 2:11-14, 1 Corinthians 14:34-35), but all should be in attendance for hearing and learning (including women and children). For individual reading outside of the Sabbath gathering time, I recommend you use the Annual Reading Schedule which is intended for an individual to cover the whole Bible on their own, whereas this Sabbath Assembly Reading Schedule is for an Assembly on Sabbath as a group.

Although we spend about 3-5 hours on reading and discussion time using this schedule, this reading schedule could probably also work for an assembly who has less than two hours together to read and discuss on Sabbath, but who desire to go through Genesis to Revelation together on the Sabbath. One example could be prison assemblies which are limited on time due to limited volunteers at the prison. This schedule might also be useful for home fellowship groups who prefer shorter times in normal Scriptures readings and choose to watch videos of lessons from various ministries or study other edifying things in the Scriptures during Sabbath besides regular readings. However, I would encourage you who have home groups to switch to a "Reading & Discussion format" also. Videos can be watched on any day of the week, but the Miqra Qodesh is only on Set-Apart (Holy) Days.

Learn More: How Do I Enforce 1 Timothy 2:11-14 & 1 Corinthians 14:34-35? Click Here To Challenge Yourself.

This Week's Sabbath Reading

Sabbath Reading For 2025-03-29 - Week 349
Covering Leviticus 14:33-14:57, Ezekiel 39:1-39:16, and Luke 23:39-23:56

We encourage every assembly using this schedule that we all be on the same reading during the same weeks, so that's the purpose in posting what week we are currently in above this paragraph. Please watch this page closely before, during, and after the feasts for updates on what week we are in, because when I can't record during a feast due to the location I'll be in, I wait until the Sabbath after the feast I can record to resume the reading schedule at the next week where I was before the feast. Once all the weeks are recorded for the benefit of helping new people learn, then I may discontinue this practice of skipping weeks during certain feast times and expect others would maintain the same reading throughout the whole year on an on-going basis. If you have any questions, please contact me. Yahweh bless you, and shalom.

Schedule & Video Downloads

TIP: You can click the blue "Video Link" links in the video columns on the right of the table to go to the recorded video for that Scripture reading (starting in week 34 below if you scroll down)!

Please contact me if anything you find on this site is in error. I hope you are blessed by this schedule and the linked video recordings!

TIP: * Indicates longer than normal readings which may require more time or quicker reading.
This schedule totals 456 Weeks (8 Years 40 Weeks Total) when complete. Genesis to Deuteronomy is repeated a second time half-way through the schedule. All other Books, Chapters, and Verses are only covered once.
Torah Given
Through Mosheh
(Repeated Twice)
Prophets & Writings Living Torah &
Prophets & Writings
Video Link
1 Genesis 1:1-2:3 Joshua 1:1-1:18 Proverbs 1:1-1:9 John 1:1-1:13 Not Yet Recorded
Job 1:1-1:22 Psalms 1:1-1:6
2 Genesis 2:4-2:25 Joshua 2:1-2:24 Proverbs 1:10-1:19 John 1:14-1:28 Not Yet Recorded
Job 2:1-2:13 Psalms 2:1-2:12
3 Genesis 3:1-3:24 Joshua 3:1-3:17 Proverbs 1:20-1:33 John 1:29-1:42 Not Yet Recorded
Job 3:1-3:26 Psalms 3:1-3:8
4 Genesis 4:1-4:26 Joshua 4:1-4:24 Proverbs 2:1-2:9 John 1:43-1:51 Not Yet Recorded
Job 4:1-4:21 Psalms 4:1-4:8
5 Genesis 5:1-5:27 Joshua 5:1-5:15 Proverbs 2:10-2:15 John 2:1-2:11 Not Yet Recorded
Job 5:1-5:27 Psalms 5:1-5:12
6 Genesis 5:28-6:22 Joshua 6:1-6:19 Proverbs 2:16-2:22 John 2:12-2:25 Not Yet Recorded
Job 6:1-6:23 Psalms 6:1-6:10
7 Genesis 7:1-7:24 Joshua 6:20-6:27 Proverbs 3:1-3:10 John 3:1-3:13 Not Yet Recorded
Job 6:24-7:21 Psalms 7:1-7:17
8 Genesis 8:1-8:22 Joshua 7:1-7:26 Proverbs 3:11-3:12 John 3:14-3:24 Not Yet Recorded
Job 8:1-8:22 Psalms 8:1-8:9
9 Genesis 9:1-9:29 Joshua 8:1-8:9 Proverbs 3:13-3:18 John 3:25-3:36 Not Yet Recorded
Job 9:1-9:18 Psalms 9:1-9:20
10 Genesis 10:1-10:20 Joshua 8:10-8:29 Proverbs 3:19-3:23 John 4:1-4:15 Not Yet Recorded
Job 9:19-9:35 Psalms 10:1-10:18
11 Genesis 10:21-11:9 Joshua 8:30-8:35 Proverbs 3:24-3:30 John 4:16-4:30 Not Yet Recorded
Job 10:1-10:22 Psalms 11:1-13:6
12 Genesis 11:10-11:32 Joshua 9:1-9:18 Proverbs 3:31-3:35 John 4:31-4:45 Not Yet Recorded
Job 11:1-11:20 Psalms 14:1-15:5
13 Genesis 12:1-12:20 Joshua 9:19-9:27 Proverbs 4:1-4:6 John 4:46-4:54 Not Yet Recorded
Job 12:1-12:25 Psalms 16:1-16:11
14 Genesis 13:1-13:18 Joshua 10:1-10:14 Proverbs 4:7-4:13 John 5:1-5:14 Not Yet Recorded
Job 13:1-13:28 Psalms 17:1-17:15
15 Genesis 14:1-14:24 Joshua 10:15-10:43 Proverbs 4:14-4:19 John 5:15-5:29 Not Yet Recorded
Job 14:1-14:12 Psalms 18:1-18:50*
16 Genesis 15:1-15:21 Joshua 11:1-11:23 Proverbs 4:20-4:27 John 5:30-5:47 Not Yet Recorded
Job 14:13-14:22 Psalms 19:1-19:14
17 Genesis 16:1-17:8 Joshua 12:1-12:24 Proverbs 5:1-5:6 John 6:1-6:15 Not Yet Recorded
Job 15:1-15:16 Psalms 20:1-20:9
18 Genesis 17:9-18:5 Joshua 13:1-13:13 Proverbs 5:7-5:14 John 6:16-6:27 Not Yet Recorded
Job 15:17-15:35 Psalms 21:1-21:13
19 Genesis 18:6-18:33 Joshua 13:14-13:33 Proverbs 5:15-5:23 John 6:28-6:40 Not Yet Recorded
Job 16:1-16:22 Psalms 22:1-22:31
20 Genesis 19:1-19:29 Joshua 14:1-14:15 Proverbs 6:1-6:11 John 6:41-6:51 Not Yet Recorded
Job 17:1-17:16 Psalms 23:1-24:10
21 Genesis 19:30-20:18 Joshua 15:1-15:14 Proverbs 6:12-6:19 John 6:52-6:71 Not Yet Recorded
Job 18:1-18:21 Psalms 25:1-25:22
22 Genesis 21:1-21:24 Joshua 15:15-15:63* Proverbs 6:20-6:24 John 7:1-7:13 Not Yet Recorded
Job 19:1-19:19 Psalms 26:1-26:12
23 Genesis 21:25-22:19 Joshua 16:1-16:10 Proverbs 6:25-6:35 John 7:14-7:30 Not Yet Recorded
Job 19:20-19:29 Psalms 27:1-28:9
24 Genesis 22:20-23:20 Joshua 17:1-17:18 Proverbs 7:1-7:27* John 7:31-7:40 Not Yet Recorded
Job 20:1-20:29* Psalms 29:1-11
25 Genesis 24:1-24:21 Joshua 18:1-18:10 Proverbs 8:1-8:18 John 7:41-7:53 Not Yet Recorded
Job 21:1-21:18 Psalms 30:1-30:12
26 Genesis 24:22-24:49 Joshua 18:11-18:28 Proverbs 8:19-8:25 John 8:1-8:11 Not Yet Recorded
Job 21:19-21:34 Psalms 31:1-31:24
27 Genesis 24:50-25:6 Joshua 19:1-19:16 Proverbs 8:26-8:36 John 8:12-8:27 Not Yet Recorded
Job 22:1-22:30* Psalms 32:1-32:11
28 Genesis 25:7-25:34 Joshua 19:17-19:31 Proverbs 9:1-9:18 John 8:28-8:42 Not Yet Recorded
Job 23:1-23:17 Psalms 33:1-33:22*
29 Genesis 26:1-26:25 Joshua 19:32-19:39 Proverbs 10:1-10:11 John 8:43-8:59 Not Yet Recorded
Job 24:1-24:25 Psalms 34:1-34:22
30 Genesis 26:26-27:10 Joshua 19:40-19:51 Proverbs 10:12-10:14 John 9:1-9:12 Not Yet Recorded
Job 25:1-26:14 Psalms 35:1-35:28
31 Genesis 27:11-27:40 Joshua 20:1-20:9 Proverbs 10:15-10:21 John 9:13-9:25 Not Yet Recorded
Job 27:1-27:23 Psalms 36:1-36:12
32 Genesis 27:41-28:22 Joshua 21:1-21:8 Proverbs 10:22-10:25 John 9:26-9:41 Not Yet Recorded
Job 28:1-28:28 Psalms 37:1-37:40*
33 Genesis 29:1-29:30 Joshua 21:9-21:45* Proverbs 10:26-10:32 John 10:1-10:18 Not Yet Recorded
Job 29:1-29:25 Psalms 38:1-38:22
34 Genesis 29:31-30:24 Joshua 22:1-22:34 Proverbs 11:1-11:4 John 10:19-10:40 Video Link
Job 30:1-30:31* Psalms 39:1-39:13
35 Genesis 30:25-30:43 Joshua 23:1-23:16 Proverbs 11:5-11:14 John 10:41-11:11 Video Link
Job 31:1-31:12 Psalms 40:1-40:17
36 Genesis 31:1-31:25 Joshua 24:1-24:28 Proverbs 11:15-11:19 John 11:12-11:29 Video Link
Job 31:13-31:23 Psalms 41:1-41:13
37 Genesis 31:26-31:55 Joshua 24:29 - Judges 1:18 Proverbs 11:20-11:23 John 11:30-11:45 Video Link
Job 31:24-31:40 Psalms 42:1-42:11
38 Genesis 32:1-32:32 Judges 1:19-1:36 Proverbs 11:24-11:31 John 11:46-11:57 Video Link
Job 32:1-32:22 Psalms 43:1-43:5
39 Genesis 33:1-33:20 Judges 2:1-2:23 Proverbs 12:1-12:5 John 12:1-12:11 Video Link
Job 33:1-33:12 Psalms 44:1-44:26
40 Genesis 34:1-34:31 Judges 3:1-3:11 Proverbs 12:6-12:10 John 12:12-12:26 Video Link
Job 33:13-33:33 Psalms 45:1-45:17
41 Genesis 35:1-35:29 Judges 3:12-3:31 Proverbs 12:11-12:16 John 12:27-12:36 Video Link
Job 34:1-34:23 Psalms 46:1-46:11
42 Genesis 36:1-36:19 Judges 4:1-4:24 Proverbs 12:17-12:23 John 12:37-12:50 Video Link
Job 34:24-34:37 Psalms 47:1-47:9
43 Genesis 36:20-36:43 Judges 5:1-5:31 Proverbs 12:24-12:28 John 13:1-13:11 Video Link
Job 35:1-35:16 Psalms 48:1-48:14
44 Genesis 37:1-37:36 Judges 6:1-6:14 Proverbs 13:1-13:4 John 13:12-13:24 Video Link
Job 36:1-36:20 Psalms 49:1-49:20
45 Genesis 38:1-38:30 Judges 6:15-6:32 Proverbs 13:5-13:10 John 13:25-13:38 Video Link
Job 36:21-36:33 Psalms 50:1-50:23
46 Genesis 39:1-39:23 Judges 6:33-6:40 Proverbs 13:11-13:15 John 14:1-14:18 Video Link
Job 37:1-37:24 Psalms 51:1-51:19
47 Genesis 40:1-40:23 Judges 7:1-7:22 Proverbs 13:16-13:19 John 14:19-14:31 Video Link
Job 38:1-38:21 Psalms 52:1-52:9
48 Genesis 41:1-41:32 Judges 7:23-8:21 Proverbs 13:20-13:25 John 15:1-15:15 Video Link
Job 38:22-38:41 Psalms 53:1-53:6
49 Genesis 41:33-42:4 Judges 8:22-8:35 Proverbs 14:1-14:5 John 15:16-15:27 Video Link
Job 39:1-39:30 Psalms 54:1-54:7
50 Genesis 42:5-42:38 Judges 9:1-9:21 Proverbs 14:6-14:10 John 16:1-16:15 Video Link
Job 40:1-40:14 Psalms 55:1-55:23
51 Genesis 43:1-43:34 Judges 9:22-9:49 Proverbs 14:11-14:15 John 16:16-16:33 Video Link
Job 40:15-40:24 Psalms 56:1-56:13
52 Genesis 44:1-44:34 Judges 9:50-9:57 Proverbs 14:16-14:21 John 17:1-17:13 Video Link
Job 41:1-41:34 Psalms 57:1-57:11
53 Genesis 45:1-45:28 Judges 10:1-10:18 Proverbs 14:22-14:25 John 17:14-17:26 Video Link
Job 42:1-42:17 Psalms 58:1-58:11
54 Genesis 46:1-46:34 Judges 11:1-11:10 Proverbs 14:26-14:30 John 18:1-18:15 Video Link
Song of Songs 1:1-4:16* Psalms 59:1-59:17
55 Genesis 47:1-47:31 Judges 11:11-11:29 Proverbs 14:31-14:35 John 18:16-18:27 Video Link
Song of Songs 5:1-8:14* Psalms 60:1-60:12
56 Genesis 48:1-48:22 Judges 11:30-11:40 Proverbs 15:1-15:5 John 18:28-18:40 Video Link
Ecclesiastes 1:1-1:18 Psalms 61:1-61:8
57 Genesis 49:1-49:33 Judges 12:1-12:15 Proverbs 15:6-15:10 John 19:1-19:15 Video Link
Ecclesiastes 2:1-2:26 Psalms 62:1-62:12
58 Genesis 50:1-50:26 Judges 13:1-13:25 Proverbs 15:11-15:15 John 19:16-19:30 Video Link
Ecclesiastes 3:1-3:22 Psalms 63:1-63:11
59 Exodus 1:1-1:22 Judges 14:1-14:20 Proverbs 15:16-15:20 John 19:31-19:42 Video Link
Ecclesiastes 4:1-4:16 Psalms 64:1-64:10
60 Exodus 2:1-2:25 Judges 15:1-15:20 Proverbs 15:21-15:25 John 20:1-20:10 Video Link
Ecclesiastes 5:1-5:20 Psalms 65:1-65:13
61 Exodus 3:1-3:22 Judges 16:1-16:14 Proverbs 15:26-15:29 John 20:11-20:25 Video Link
Ecclesiastes 6:1-6:12 Psalms 66:1-66:20
62 Exodus 4:1-4:31 Judges 16:15-16:31 Proverbs 15:30-15:33 John 20:26-21:8 Video Link
Ecclesiastes 7:1-7:29 Psalms 67:1-67:7
63 Exodus 5:1-5:23 Judges 17:1-17:13 Proverbs 16:1-16:5 John 21:9-21:25 Video Link
Ecclesiastes 8:1-8:8 Psalms 68:1-68:35
64 Exodus 6:1-6:30 Judges 18:1-18:10 Proverbs 16:6-16:10 Romans 1:1-1:15 Video Link
Ecclesiastes 8:9-8:17 Psalms 69:1-69:36
65 Exodus 7:1-7:25 Judges 18:11-18:31 Proverbs 16:11-16:15 Romans 1:16-1:32 Video Link
Ecclesiastes 9:1-10:7 Psalms 70:1-70:5
66 Exodus 8:1-8:32 Judges 19:1-19:15 Proverbs 16:16-16:20 Romans 2:1-2:16 Video Link
Ecclesiastes 10:8-10:20 Psalms 71:1-71:24
67 Exodus 9:1-9:35 Judges 19:16-19:30 Proverbs 16:21-16:25 Romans 2:17-2:29 Video Link
Ecclesiastes 11:1-11:10 Psalms 72:1-72:20
68 Exodus 10:1-10:29 Judges 20:1-20:13 Proverbs 16:26-16:30 Romans 3:1-3:18 Video Link
Ecclesiastes 12:1-12:14 Psalms 73:1-73:28
69 Exodus 11:1-12:20 Judges 20:14-20:48 Proverbs 16:31-16:33 Romans 3:19-3:31 Video Link
Psalms 74:1-74:23
70 Exodus 12:21-12:51 Judges 21:1 - Ruth 1:22 Proverbs 17:1-17:5 Romans 4:1-4:13 Video Link
Psalms 75:1-75:10
71 Exodus 13:1-13:22 Ruth 2:1-3:18 Proverbs 17:6-17:10 Romans 4:14-4:25 Video Link
Psalms 76:1-76:12
72 Exodus 14:1-14:31 Ruth 4:1-4:22 Proverbs 17:11-17:15 Romans 5:1-5:17 Video Link
Psalms 77:1-77:20
73 Exodus 15:1-15:27 Psalms 78:1-78:72 Romans 5:18-6:10 Video Link
74 Exodus 16:1-16:30 1 Samuel 1:1-2:11 Proverbs 17:16-17:20 Romans 6:11-6:23 Video Link
Psalms 79:1-79:13
75 Exodus 16:31-17:16 1 Samuel 2:12-2:36 Proverbs 17:21-17:28 Romans 7:1-7:12 Video Link
Psalms 80:1-80:19
76 Exodus 18:1-18:27 1 Samuel 3:1-4:11 Proverbs 18:1-18:5 Romans 7:13-7:25 Video Link
Psalms 81:1-81:16
77 Exodus 19:1-19:25 1 Samuel 4:12-6:21 Proverbs 18:6-18:11 Romans 8:1-8:18 Video Link
Psalms 82:1-82:8
78 Exodus 20:1-20:26 1 Samuel 7:1-8:22 Proverbs 18:12-18:17 Romans 8:19-8:39 Video Link
Psalms 83:1-83:18
79 Exodus 21:1-21:36 1 Samuel 9:1-10:12 Proverbs 18:18-18:24 Romans 9:1-9:16 Video Link
Psalms 84:1-84:12
80 Exodus 22:1-22:31 1 Samuel 10:13-11:15 Proverbs 19:1-19:7 Romans 9:17-9:33 Video Link
Psalms 85:1-85:13
81 Exodus 23:1-23:33 1 Samuel 12:1-12:25 Proverbs 19:8-19:15 Romans 10:1-10:15 Video Link
Psalms 86:1-86:17
82 Exodus 24:1-24:18 1 Samuel 13:1-14:22 Proverbs 19:16-19:20 Romans 10:16-11:8 Video Link
Psalms 87:1-87:7
83 Exodus 25:1-25:20 1 Samuel 14:23-14:52 Proverbs 19:21-20:1 Romans 11:9-11:21 Video Link
Psalms 88:1-88:18
84 Exodus 25:21-25:40 Psalms 89:1-89:52 Romans 11:22-11:36 Video Link
85 Exodus 26:1-26:30 1 Samuel 15:1-15:35 Proverbs 20:2-20:6 Romans 12:1-12:13 Video Link
Psalms 90:1-90:17
86 Exodus 26:31-27:21 1 Samuel 16:1-17:11 Proverbs 20:7-20:11 Romans 12:14-13:7 Video Link
Psalms 91:1-91:16
87 Exodus 28:1-28:21 1 Samuel 17:12-17:52 Proverbs 20:12-20:15 Romans 13:8-14:8 Video Link
Psalms 92:1-92:15
88 Exodus 28:22-28:43 1 Samuel 17:53-19:7 Proverbs 20:16-20:25 Romans 14:9-14:23 Video Link
Psalms 93:1-93:5
89 Exodus 29:1-29:25 1 Samuel 19:8-20:16 Proverbs 20:26-20:30 Romans 15:1-15:13 Video Link
Psalms 94:1-94:23
90 Exodus 29:26-29:46 1 Samuel 20:17-22:1 Proverbs 21:1-21:7 Romans 15:14-15:27 Video Link
Psalms 95:1-95:11
91 Exodus 30:1-30:21 1 Samuel 22:2-23:18 Proverbs 21:8-21:12 Romans 15:28-16:5 Video Link
Psalms 96:1-96:13
92 Exodus 30:22-30:38 1 Samuel 23:19-25:1 Proverbs 21:13-21:20 Romans 16:6-16:16 Video Link
Psalms 97:1-97:12
93 Exodus 31:1-32:6 1 Samuel 25:2-25:44 Proverbs 21:21-21:26 Romans 16:17-16:27 Video Link
Psalms 98:1-98:9
94 Exodus 32:7-32:35 1 Samuel 26:1-28:4 Proverbs 21:27-21:31 1 Corinthians 1:1-1:15 Video Link
Psalms 99:1-99:9
95 Exodus 33:1-33:23 1 Samuel 28:5-30:31 1 Corinthians 1:16-1:31 Video Link
96 Exodus 34:1-34:35 1 Samuel 31:1 - 2 Samuel 2:9 Proverbs 22:1-22:5 1 Corinthians 2:1-2:16 Video Link
Psalms 100:1-100:5
97 Exodus 35:1-35:35 2 Samuel 2:10-3:21 Proverbs 22:6-22:10 1 Corinthians 3:1-3:15 Video Link
Psalms 101:1-101:8
98 Exodus 36:1-36:19 2 Samuel 3:22-4:12 Proverbs 22:11-22:15 1 Corinthians 3:16-4:6 Video Link
Psalms 102:1-102:28
99 Exodus 36:20-36:38 2 Samuel 5:1-5:25 Proverbs 22:16-22:23 1 Corinthians 4:7-4:21 Video Link
Psalms 103:1-103:22
100 Exodus 37:1-37:29 2 Samuel 6:1-6:23 Proverbs 22:24-22:29 1 Corinthians 5:1-5:13 Video Link
Psalms 104:1-104:35
101 Exodus 38:1-38:31 Proverbs 23:1-23:8 1 Corinthians 6:1-6:11 Video Link
Psalms 105:1-105:45
102 Exodus 39:1-39:21 Proverbs 23:9-23:18 1 Corinthians 6:12-7:6 Video Link
Psalms 106:1-106:48
103 Exodus 39:22-39:43 Proverbs 23:19-23:28 1 Corinthians 7:7-7:24 Video Link
Psalms 107:1-107:43
104 Exodus 40:1-40:19 2 Samuel 7:1-8:18 Proverbs 23:29-23:35 1 Corinthians 7:25-7:40 Video Link
Psalms 108:1-108:13
105 Exodus 40:20-40:38 2 Samuel 9:1-10:19 Proverbs 24:1-24:2 1 Corinthians 8:1-8:13 Video Link
Psalms 109:1-109:31
106 Leviticus 1:1-1:17 2 Samuel 11:1-12:23 Proverbs 24:3-24:7 1 Corinthians 9:1-9:14 Video Link
Psalms 110:1-110:7
107 Leviticus 2:1-2:16 2 Samuel 12:24-13:37 Proverbs 24:8-24:16 1 Corinthians 9:15-9:27 Video Link
Psalms 111:1-111:10
108 Leviticus 3:1-3:17 2 Samuel 13:38-15:6 Proverbs 24:17-24:22 1 Corinthians 10:1-10:12 Video Link
Psalms 112:1-112:10
109 Leviticus 4:1-4:35 2 Samuel 15:7-16:14 Proverbs 24:23-24:29 1 Corinthians 10:13-10:33 Video Link
Psalms 113:1-113:9
110 Leviticus 5:1-5:19 2 Samuel 16:15-17:29 Proverbs 24:30-24:34 1 Corinthians 11:1-11:16 Video Link
Psalms 114:1-114:8
111 Leviticus 6:1-6:30 2 Samuel 18:1-18:33 Proverbs 25:1-25:10 1 Corinthians 11:17-11:34 Video Link
Psalms 115:1-115:18
112 Leviticus 7:1-7:38 2 Samuel 19:1-19:43 Proverbs 25:11-25:15 1 Corinthians 12:1-12:13 Video Link
Psalms 116:1-116:19
113 Leviticus 8:1-8:36 2 Samuel 20:1-21:22 Proverbs 25:16-25:20 1 Corinthians 12:14-12:31 Video Link
Psalms 117:1-117:2
114 Leviticus 9:1-9:24 2 Samuel 22:1-22:51 1 Corinthians 13:1-13:13 Video Link
115 Leviticus 10:1-10:20 2 Samuel 23:1-23:39 Psalms 118:1-118:29 1 Corinthians 14:1-14:12 Video Link
116 Leviticus 11:1-11:23 Psalms 119:1-119:56 1 Corinthians 14:13-14:28 Video Link
117 Leviticus 11:24-11:47 Psalms 119:57-119:112 1 Corinthians 14:29-14:40 Video Link
118 Leviticus 12:1-13:28 Psalms 119:113-119:176 1 Corinthians 15:1-15:11 Video Link
119 Leviticus 13:29-13:59 2 Samuel 24:1-24:25 Proverbs 25:21-25:24 1 Corinthians 15:12-15:30 Video Link
Psalms 120:1-120:7
120 Leviticus 14:1-14:32 1 Kings 1:1-1:53 Proverbs 25:25-25:28 1 Corinthians 15:31-15:46 Video Link
Psalms 121:1-121:8
121 Leviticus 14:33-14:57 1 Kings 2:1-2:46 Proverbs 26:1-26:5 1 Corinthians 15:47-15:58 Video Link
Psalms 122:1-122:9
122 Leviticus 15:1-15:33 1 Kings 3:1-4:21 Proverbs 26:6-26:12 1 Corinthians 16:1-16:13 Video Link
Psalms 123:1-123:4
123 Leviticus 16:1-16:34 1 Kings 4:22-6:10 Proverbs 26:13-26:19 1 Corinthians 16:14-16:24 Video Link
Psalms 124:1-124:8
124 Leviticus 17:1-17:16 1 Kings 6:11-7:22 Proverbs 26:20-26:23 2 Corinthians 1:1-1:11 Video Link
Psalms 125:1-125:5
125 Leviticus 18:1-18:30 1 Kings 7:23-8:19 Proverbs 26:24-26:28 2 Corinthians 1:12-1:24 Video Link
Psalms 126:1-126:6
126 Leviticus 19:1-19:18 1 Kings 8:20-8:66 Proverbs 27:1-27:6 2 Corinthians 2:1-2:17 Video Link
Psalms 127:1-127:5
127 Leviticus 19:19-19:37 1 Kings 9:1-10:22 Proverbs 27:7-27:11 2 Corinthians 3:1-3:18 Video Link
Psalms 128:1-128:6
128 Leviticus 20:1-20:27 1 Kings 10:23-11:43 Proverbs 27:12-27:18 2 Corinthians 4:1-4:15 Video Link
Psalms 129:1-129:8
129 Leviticus 21:1-21:24 1 Kings 12:1-13:10 Proverbs 27:19-27:27 2 Corinthians 4:16-5:11 Video Link
Psalms 130:1-130:8
130 Leviticus 22:1-22:33 1 Kings 13:11-14:31 Proverbs 28:1-28:5 2 Corinthians 5:12-5:21 Video Link
Psalms 131:1-131:3
131 Leviticus 23:1-23:22 1 Kings 15:1-15:34 Proverbs 28:6-28:11 2 Corinthians 6:1-6:10 Video Link
Psalms 132:1-132:18
132 Leviticus 23:23-23:44 1 Kings 16:1-17:24 Proverbs 28:12-28:16 2 Corinthians 6:11-7:4 Video Link
Psalms 133:1-133:3
133 Leviticus 24:1-24:23 1 Kings 18:1-19:4 Proverbs 28:17-28:22 2 Corinthians 7:5-7:16 Video Link
Psalms 134:1-134:3
134 Leviticus 25:1-25:34 1 Kings 19:5-20:14 Proverbs 28:23-28:28 2 Corinthians 8:1-8:11 Video Link
Psalms 135:1-135:21
135 Leviticus 25:35-25:55 1 Kings 20:15-20:43 Proverbs 29:1-29:5 2 Corinthians 8:12-8:24 Video Link
Psalms 136:1-136:26
136 Leviticus 26:1-26:26 1 Kings 21:1-22:9 Proverbs 29:6-29:10 2 Corinthians 9:1-9:15 Video Link
Psalms 137:1-137:9
137 Leviticus 26:27-26:46 1 Kings 22:10-22:53 Proverbs 29:11-29:15 2 Corinthians 10:1-10:18 Video Link
Psalms 138:1-138:8
138 Leviticus 27:1-27:34 2 Kings 1:1-1:18 Proverbs 29:16-29:20 2 Corinthians 11:1-11:15 Video Link
Psalms 139:1-139:24
139 Numbers 1:1-1:29 2 Kings 2:1-2:25 Proverbs 29:21-29:27 2 Corinthians 11:16-11:33 Video Link
Psalms 140:1-140:13
140 Numbers 1:30-1:54 2 Kings 3:1-3:27 Proverbs 30:1-30:9 2 Corinthians 12:1-12:11 Video Link
Psalms 141:1-141:10
141 Numbers 2:1-2:34 2 Kings 4:1-4:44 Proverbs 30:10-30:17 2 Corinthians 12:12-12:21 Video Link
Psalms 142:1-142:7
142 Numbers 3:1-3:20 2 Kings 5:1-6:7 Proverbs 30:18-30:23 2 Corinthians 13:1-13:14 Video Link
Psalms 143:1-143:12
143 Numbers 3:21-3:51 2 Kings 6:8-7:20 Proverbs 30:24-30:28 Mark 1:1-1:15 Video Link
Psalms 144:1-144:15
144 Numbers 4:1-4:20 2 Kings 8:1-8:29 Proverbs 30:29-30:33 Mark 1:16-1:31 Video Link
Psalms 145:1-145:21
145 Numbers 4:21-4:49 2 Kings 9:1-9:37 Proverbs 31:1-31:9 Mark 1:32-1:45 Video Link
Psalms 146:1-146:10
146 Numbers 5:1-5:31 2 Kings 10:1-10:10 Proverbs 31:10-31:31 Mark 2:1-2:13 Video Link
Psalms 147:1-147:20
147 Numbers 6:1-6:27 2 Kings 10:11-11:21 Psalms 148:1-148:14 Mark 2:14-2:28 Video Link
148 Numbers 7:1-7:29 2 Kings 12:1-13:25 Psalms 149:1-149:9 Mark 3:1-3:12 Video Link
149 Numbers 7:30-7:59 2 Kings 14:1-15:26 Psalms 150:1-150:6 Mark 3:13-3:35 Video Link
150 Numbers 7:60-7:89 1 Chronicles 1:1-1:54 Mark 4:1-4:20 Video Link
151 Numbers 8:1-8:26 1 Chronicles 2:1-2:55 Mark 4:21-4:41 Video Link
152 Numbers 9:1-9:23 1 Chronicles 3:1-4:23 Mark 5:1-5:20 Video Link
153 Numbers 10:1-10:36 1 Chronicles 4:24-5:26 Mark 5:21-5:43 Video Link
154 Numbers 11:1-11:35 1 Chronicles 6:1-6:56 Mark 6:1-6:11 Video Link
155 Numbers 12:1-12:16 1 Chronicles 6:57-7:29 Mark 6:12-6:29 Video Link
156 Numbers 13:1-13:20 1 Chronicles 7:30-8:40 Mark 6:30-6:44 Video Link
157 Numbers 13:21-14:9 1 Chronicles 9:1-10:14 Mark 6:45-6:56 Video Link
158 Numbers 14:10-14:39 1 Chronicles 11:1-11:47 Mark 7:1-7:13 Video Link
159 Numbers 14:40-15:16 1 Chronicles 12:1-13:14 Mark 7:14-7:23 Video Link
160 Numbers 15:17-15:36 1 Chronicles 14:1-15:29 Mark 7:24-7:37 Video Link
161 Numbers 15:37-16:15 1 Chronicles 16:1-16:43 Mark 8:1-8:10 Video Link
162 Numbers 16:16-16:35 1 Chronicles 17:1-19:19 Mark 8:11-8:21 Video Link
163 Numbers 16:36-17:13 1 Chronicles 20:1-22:19 Mark 8:22-8:38 Video Link
164 Numbers 18:1-18:32 1 Chronicles 23:1-24:31 Mark 9:1-9:13 Video Link
165 Numbers 19:1-19:22 1 Chronicles 25:1-26:32 Mark 9:14-9:29 Video Link
166 Numbers 20:1-20:29 1 Chronicles 27:1-28:21 Mark 9:30-9:40 Video Link
167 Numbers 21:1-21:35 1 Chronicles 29:1 - 2 Chronicles 2:18 Mark 9:41-9:50 Video Link
168 Numbers 22:1-22:19 2 Chronicles 3:1-5:14 Mark 10:1-10:12 Video Link
169 Numbers 22:20-22:41 2 Chronicles 6:1-7:22 Mark 10:13-10:31 Video Link
170 Numbers 23:1-23:30 2 Chronicles 8:1-9:31 Mark 10:32-10:45 Video Link
171 Numbers 24:1-24:25 2 Chronicles 10:1-12:16 Mark 10:46-11:6 Video Link
172 Numbers 25:1-25:18 2 Chronicles 13:1-15:19 Mark 11:7-11:18 Video Link
173 Numbers 26:1-26:29 2 Chronicles 16:1-18:34 Mark 11:19-11:33 Video Link
174 Numbers 26:30-26:65 2 Chronicles 19:1-20:37 Mark 12:1-12:12 Video Link
175 Numbers 27:1-27:23 2 Chronicles 21:1-23:21 Mark 12:13-12:27 Video Link
176 Numbers 28:1-28:31 2 Chronicles 24:1-25:28 Mark 12:28-12:40 Video Link
177 Numbers 29:1-29:19 2 Kings 15:27-15:38 2 Chronicles 26:1-27:9 Mark 12:41-13:10 Video Link
178 Numbers 29:20-29:40 2 Kings 16:1-17:12 2 Chronicles 28:1-28:27 Mark 13:11-13:23 Video Link
179 Numbers 30:1-30:16 2 Kings 17:13-18:8 2 Chronicles 29:1-29:19 Mark 13:24-13:37 Video Link
180 Numbers 31:1-31:24 2 Chronicles 29:20-31:21 Mark 14:1-14:11 Video Link
181 Numbers 31:25-31:54 2 Kings 18:9-18:36 2 Chronicles 32:1-32:15 Mark 14:12-14:21 Video Link
182 Numbers 32:1-32:33 2 Kings 18:37-19:37 2 Chronicles 32:16-32:22 Mark 14:22-14:31 Video Link
183 Numbers 32:34-33:21 2 Kings 20:1-21:9 2 Chronicles 32:23-33:9 Mark 14:32-14:41 Video Link
184 Numbers 33:22-33:56 2 Kings 21:10-22:7 2 Chronicles 33:10-34:13 Mark 14:42-14:56 Video Link
185 Numbers 34:1-34:29 2 Kings 22:8-23:20 2 Chronicles 34:14-34:33 Mark 14:57-14:72 Video Link
186 Numbers 35:1-35:34 2 Kings 23:21-23:30 2 Chronicles 35:1-36:1 Mark 15:1-15:15 Video Link
187 Numbers 36:1-36:13 2 Kings 23:31-24:17 2 Chronicles 36:2-36:10 Mark 15:16-15:28 Video Link
Deuteronomy 1:1-1:18
188 Deuteronomy 1:19-1:46 2 Kings 24:18-25:30 2 Chronicles 36:11-36:23 Mark 15:29-15:41 Video Link
189 Deuteronomy 2:1-2:23 Jeremiah 1:1-2:37 Mark 15:42-16:4 Video Link
190 Deuteronomy 2:24-3:7 Jeremiah 3:1-4:31 Mark 16:5-16:20 Video Link
191 Deuteronomy 3:8-3:29 Jeremiah 5:1-6:30 Galatians 1:1-1:20 Video Link
192 Deuteronomy 4:1-4:20 Jeremiah 7:1-8:22 Galatians 1:21-2:8 Video Link
193 Deuteronomy 4:21-4:49 Jeremiah 9:1-10:25 Galatians 2:9-2:21 Video Link
194 Deuteronomy 5:1-5:22 Jeremiah 11:1-12:17 Galatians 3:1-3:14 Video Link
195 Deuteronomy 5:23-6:9 Jeremiah 13:1-14:22 Galatians 3:15-3:29 Video Link
196 Deuteronomy 6:10-7:4 Jeremiah 15:1-16:21 Galatians 4:1-4:12 Video Link
197 Deuteronomy 7:5-7:26 Jeremiah 17:1-18:23 Galatians 4:13-4:31 Video Link
198 Deuteronomy 8:1-8:20 Jeremiah 19:1-20:18 Galatians 5:1-5:13 Video Link
199 Deuteronomy 9:1-9:21 Jeremiah 21:1-22:30 Galatians 5:14-5:26 Video Link
200 Deuteronomy 9:22-10:13 Jeremiah 23:1-24:10 Galatians 6:1-6:18 Video Link
201 Deuteronomy 10:14-11:12 Jeremiah 25:1-25:38 Ephesians 1:1-1:14 Video Link
202 Deuteronomy 11:13-11:32 Jeremiah 26:1-28:17 Ephesians 1:15-2:7 Video Link
203 Deuteronomy 12:1-12:32 Jeremiah 29:1-30:24 Ephesians 2:8-2:22 Video Link
204 Deuteronomy 13:1-13:18 Jeremiah 31:1-31:40 Ephesians 3:1-3:21 Video Link
205 Deuteronomy 14:1-14:29 Jeremiah 32:1-32:44 Ephesians 4:1-4:16 Video Link
206 Deuteronomy 15:1-15:23 Jeremiah 33:1-34:22 Ephesians 4:17-4:32 Video Link
207 Deuteronomy 16:1-16:22 Jeremiah 35:1-36:32 Ephesians 5:1-5:16 Video Link
208 Deuteronomy 17:1-17:20 Jeremiah 37:1-39:1 Ephesians 5:17-5:33 Video Link
209 Deuteronomy 18:1-18:22 Jeremiah 39:2-41:18 Ephesians 6:1-6:10 Video Link
210 Deuteronomy 19:1-19:21 Jeremiah 42:1-44:30 Ephesians 6:11-6:24 Video Link
211 Deuteronomy 20:1-20:20 Jeremiah 45:1-47:7 Philippians 1:1-1:11 Video Link
212 Deuteronomy 21:1-21:23 Jeremiah 48:1-48:47 Philippians 1:12-1:30 Video Link
213 Deuteronomy 22:1-22:30 Jeremiah 49:1-49:39 Philippians 2:1-2:13 Video Link
214 Deuteronomy 23:1-23:25 Jeremiah 50:1-51:9 Philippians 2:14-2:30 Video Link
215 Deuteronomy 24:1-24:22 Jeremiah 51:10-51:64 Philippians 3:1-3:21 Video Link
216 Deuteronomy 25:1-25:19 Jeremiah 52:1-52:34 Philippians 4:1-4:23 Video Link
217 Deuteronomy 26:1-26:19 Lamentations 1:1-2:22 Colossians 1:1-1:15 Video Link
218 Deuteronomy 27:1-27:26 Lamentations 3:1-3:50 Colossians 1:16-1:29 Video Link
219 Deuteronomy 28:1-28:22 Lamentations 3:51-5:22 Colossians 2:1-2:10 Video Link
220 Deuteronomy 28:23-28:44 Nahum 1:1-3:19 Colossians 2:11-2:23 Video Link
221 Deuteronomy 28:45-28:68 Habakkuk 1:1-3:19 Colossians 3:1-3:11 Video Link
222 Deuteronomy 29:1-29:29 Zephaniah 1:1-3:20 Colossians 3:12-3:25 Video Link
223 Deuteronomy 30:1-30:20 Haggai 1:1-2:23 Colossians 4:1-4:18 Video Link
224 Deuteronomy 31:1-31:29 Zechariah 1:1-3:10 James 1:1-1:27* Video Link
225 Deuteronomy 31:30-32:25 Zechariah 4:1-7:14 James 2:1-2:26* Video Link
226 Deuteronomy 32:26-32:52 Zechariah 8:1-10:12 James 3:1-3:18 Video Link
227 Deuteronomy 33:1-33:29 Zechariah 11:1-14:21 James 4:1-4:17 Video Link
228 Deuteronomy 34:1-34:12 Malachi 1:1-4:6 James 5:1-5:20 Video Link
229 Genesis 1:1-2:3 Isaiah 1:1-1:20 Matthew 1:1-1:25 Video Link
230 Genesis 2:4-2:25 Isaiah 1:21-1:31 Matthew 2:1-2:15 Video Link
231 Genesis 3:1-3:24 Isaiah 2:1-3:9 Matthew 2:16-3:12 Video Link
232 Genesis 4:1-4:26 Isaiah 3:10-4:6 Matthew 3:13-4:12 Video Link
233 Genesis 5:1-5:27 Isaiah 5:1-5:17 Matthew 4:13-5:10 Video Link
234 Genesis 5:28-6:22 Isaiah 5:18-6:13 Matthew 5:11-5:30 Video Link
235 Genesis 7:1-7:24 Isaiah 7:1-7:16 Matthew 5:31-5:48 Video Link
236 Genesis 8:1-8:22 Isaiah 7:17-7:25 Matthew 6:1-6:18 Video Link
237 Genesis 9:1-9:29 Isaiah 8:1-8:22 Matthew 6:19-6:34 Video Link
238 Genesis 10:1-10:20 Isaiah 9:1-9:21 Matthew 7:1-7:29 Video Link
239 Genesis 10:21-11:9 Isaiah 10:1-10:19 Matthew 8:1-8:17 Video Link
240 Genesis 11:10-11:32 Isaiah 10:20-10:34 Matthew 8:18-8:34 Video Link
241 Genesis 12:1-12:20 Isaiah 11:1-12:6 Matthew 9:1-9:17 Video Link
242 Genesis 13:1-13:18 Isaiah 13:1-13:22 Matthew 9:18-9:38 Video Link
243 Genesis 14:1-14:24 Isaiah 14:1-14:23 Matthew 10:1-10:20 Video Link
244 Genesis 15:1-15:21 Isaiah 14:24-14:32 Matthew 10:21-10:42 Video Link
245 Genesis 16:1-17:8 Isaiah 15:1-16:14 Matthew 11:1-11:19 Video Link
246 Genesis 17:9-18:5 Isaiah 17:1-17:14 Matthew 11:20-12:8 Video Link
247 Genesis 18:6-18:33 Isaiah 18:1-19:12 Matthew 12:9-12:21 Video Link
248 Genesis 19:1-19:29 Isaiah 19:13-20:6 Matthew 12:22-12:45 Video Link
249 Genesis 19:30-20:18 Isaiah 21:1-21:17 Matthew 12:46-13:23 Video Link
250 Genesis 21:1-21:24 Isaiah 22:1-22:25 Matthew 13:24-13:43 Video Link
251 Genesis 21:25-22:19 Isaiah 23:1-23:18 Matthew 13:44-13:58 Video Link
252 Genesis 22:20-23:20 Isaiah 24:1-24:18 Matthew 14:1-14:21 Video Link
253 Genesis 24:1-24:21 Isaiah 24:19-25:12 Matthew 14:22-14:36 Video Link
254 Genesis 24:22-24:49 Isaiah 26:1-26:12 Matthew 15:1-15:20 Video Link
255 Genesis 24:50-25:6 Isaiah 26:13-27:13 Matthew 15:21-15:39 Video Link
256 Genesis 25:7-25:34 Isaiah 28:1-28:29 Matthew 16:1-16:20 Video Link
257 Genesis 26:1-26:25 Isaiah 29:1-29:24 Matthew 16:21-16:28 Video Link
258 Genesis 26:26-27:10 Isaiah 30:1-30:21 Matthew 17:1-17:13 Video Link
259 Genesis 27:11-27:40 Isaiah 30:22-31:9 Matthew 17:14-17:27 Video Link
260 Genesis 27:41-28:22 Isaiah 32:1-32:20 Matthew 18:1-18:20 Video Link
261 Genesis 29:1-29:30 Isaiah 33:1-33:24 Matthew 18:21-19:2 Video Link
262 Genesis 29:31-30:24 Isaiah 34:1-34:17 Matthew 19:3-19:15 Video Link
263 Genesis 30:25-30:43 Isaiah 35:1-35:10 Matthew 19:16-19:26 Video Link
264 Genesis 31:1-31:25 Isaiah 36:1-36:21 Matthew 19:27-20:16 Video Link
265 Genesis 31:26-31:55 Isaiah 36:22-37:20 Matthew 20:17-20:34 Video Link
266 Genesis 32:1-32:32 Isaiah 37:21-37:38 Matthew 21:1-21:22 Video Link
267 Genesis 33:1-33:20 Isaiah 38:1-38:22 Matthew 21:23-21:46 Video Link
268 Genesis 34:1-34:31 Isaiah 39:1-40:11 Matthew 22:1-22:22 Video Link
269 Genesis 35:1-35:29 Isaiah 40:12-40:31 Matthew 22:23-22:46 Video Link
270 Genesis 36:1-36:19 Isaiah 41:1-41:14 Matthew 23:1-23:22 Video Link
271 Genesis 36:20-36:43 Isaiah 41:15-41:29 Matthew 23:23-23:39 Video Link
272 Genesis 37:1-37:36 Isaiah 42:1-42:25 Matthew 24:1-24:22 Video Link
273 Genesis 38:1-38:30 Isaiah 43:1-43:13 Matthew 24:23-24:51 Video Link
274 Genesis 39:1-39:23 Isaiah 43:14-43:28 Matthew 25:1-25:30 Video Link
275 Genesis 40:1-40:23 Isaiah 44:1-44:28 Matthew 25:31-25:46 Video Link
276 Genesis 41:1-41:32 Isaiah 45:1-45:25 Matthew 26:1-26:19 Video Link
277 Genesis 41:33-42:4 Isaiah 46:1-46:13 Matthew 26:20-26:46 Video Link
278 Genesis 42:5-42:38 Isaiah 47:1-47:15 Matthew 26:47-26:75 Video Link
279 Genesis 43:1-43:34 Isaiah 48:1-48:22 Matthew 27:1-27:32 Video Link
280 Genesis 44:1-44:34 Isaiah 49:1-49:26 Matthew 27:33-27:66 Video Link
281 Genesis 45:1-45:28 Isaiah 50:1-50:11 Matthew 28:1-28:20 Video Link
282 Genesis 46:1-46:34 Isaiah 51:1-51:23 1 Thessalonians 1:1-2:12 Video Link
283 Genesis 47:1-47:31 Isaiah 52:1-52:15 1 Thessalonians 2:13-3:13 Video Link
284 Genesis 48:1-48:22 Isaiah 53:1-53:12 1 Thessalonians 4:1-4:18 Video Link
285 Genesis 49:1-49:33 Isaiah 54:1-54:17 1 Thessalonians 5:1-5:28 Video Link
286 Genesis 50:1-50:26 Isaiah 55:1-56:12 2 Thessalonians 1:1-2:12 Video Link
287 Exodus 1:1-1:22 Isaiah 57:1-57:21 2 Thessalonians 2:13-3:18 Video Link
288 Exodus 2:1-2:25 Isaiah 58:1-58:14 1 Peter 1:1-1:25 Video Link
289 Exodus 3:1-3:22 Isaiah 59:1-59:21 1 Peter 2:1-2:25 Video Link
290 Exodus 4:1-4:31 Isaiah 60:1-60:22 1 Peter 3:1-3:22 Video Link
291 Exodus 5:1-5:23 Isaiah 61:1-62:12 1 Peter 4:1-4:19 Video Link
292 Exodus 6:1-6:30 Isaiah 63:1-63:19 1 Peter 5:1-5:14 Video Link
293 Exodus 7:1-7:25 Isaiah 64:1-64:12 2 Peter 1:1-1:21 Video Link
294 Exodus 8:1-8:32 Isaiah 65:1-65:25 2 Peter 2:1-2:22 Video Link
295 Exodus 9:1-9:35 Isaiah 66:1-66:24 2 Peter 3:1-3:18 Video Link
296 Exodus 10:1-10:29 Ezekiel 1:1-1:28 Luke 1:1-1:20 Video Link
297 Exodus 11:1-12:20 Ezekiel 2:1-2:10 Luke 1:21-1:38 Video Link
298 Exodus 12:21-12:51 Ezekiel 3:1-3:15 Luke 1:39-1:56 Video Link
299 Exodus 13:1-13:22 Ezekiel 3:16-3:27 Luke 1:57-1:80 Video Link
300 Exodus 14:1-14:31 Ezekiel 4:1-4:17 Luke 2:1-2:14 Video Link
301 Exodus 15:1-15:27 Ezekiel 5:1-5:17 Luke 2:15-2:39 Video Link
302 Exodus 16:1-16:30 Ezekiel 6:1-6:14 Luke 2:40-2:52 Video Link
303 Exodus 16:31-17:16 Ezekiel 7:1-7:9 Luke 3:1-3:22 Video Link
304 Exodus 18:1-18:27 Ezekiel 7:10-7:27 Luke 3:23-3:38 Video Link
305 Exodus 19:1-19:25 Ezekiel 8:1-8:18 Luke 4:1-4:15 Video Link
306 Exodus 20:1-20:26 Ezekiel 9:1-9:11 Luke 4:16-4:39 Video Link
307 Exodus 21:1-21:36 Ezekiel 10:1-10:22 Luke 4:40-5:16 Video Link
308 Exodus 22:1-22:31 Ezekiel 11:1-11:25 Luke 5:17-5:39 Video Link
309 Exodus 23:1-23:33 Ezekiel 12:1-12:16 Luke 6:1-6:23 Video Link
310 Exodus 24:1-24:18 Ezekiel 12:17-12:28 Luke 6:24-6:49 Video Link
311 Exodus 25:1-25:20 Ezekiel 13:1-13:23 Luke 7:1-7:23 Video Link
312 Exodus 25:21-25:40 Ezekiel 14:1-14:23 Luke 7:24-7:50 Video Link
313 Exodus 26:1-26:30 Ezekiel 15:1-15:8 Luke 8:1-8:25 Video Link
314 Exodus 26:31-27:21 Ezekiel 16:1-16:22 Luke 8:26-8:56 Video Link
315 Exodus 28:1-28:21 Ezekiel 16:23-16:43 Luke 9:1-9:17 Video Link
316 Exodus 28:22-28:43 Ezekiel 16:44-16:63 Luke 9:18-9:36 Video Link
317 Exodus 29:1-29:25 Ezekiel 17:1-17:24 Luke 9:37-9:56 Video Link
318 Exodus 29:26-29:46 Ezekiel 18:1-18:32 Luke 9:57-10:16 Video Link
319 Exodus 30:1-30:21 Ezekiel 19:1-19:14 Luke 10:17-10:42 Video Link
320 Exodus 30:22-30:38 Ezekiel 20:1-20:14 Luke 11:1-11:28 Video Link
321 Exodus 31:1-32:6 Ezekiel 20:15-20:22 Luke 11:29-11:51 Video Link
322 Exodus 32:7-32:35 Ezekiel 20:23-20:44 Luke 11:52-12:12 Video Link
323 Exodus 33:1-33:23 Ezekiel 20:45-21:7 Luke 12:13-12:31 Video Link
324 Exodus 34:1-34:35 Ezekiel 21:8-21:32 Luke 12:32-12:59 Video Link
325 Exodus 35:1-35:35 Ezekiel 22:1-22:16 Luke 13:1-13:21 Video Link
326 Exodus 36:1-36:19 Ezekiel 22:17-22:31 Luke 13:22-13:35 Video Link
327 Exodus 36:20-36:38 Ezekiel 23:1-23:10 Luke 14:1-14:24 Video Link
328 Exodus 37:1-37:29 Ezekiel 23:11-23:26 Luke 14:25-14:35 Video Link
329 Exodus 38:1-38:31 Ezekiel 23:27-23:49 Luke 15:1-15:10 Video Link
330 Exodus 39:1-39:21 Ezekiel 24:1-24:27 Luke 15:11-15:32 Video Link
331 Exodus 39:22-39:43 Ezekiel 25:1-25:17 Luke 16:1-16:18 Video Link
332 Exodus 40:1-40:19 Ezekiel 26:1-26:21 Luke 16:19-16:31 Video Link
333 Exodus 40:20-40:38 Ezekiel 27:1-27:18 Luke 17:1-17:19 Video Link
334 Leviticus 1:1-1:17 Ezekiel 27:19-27:36 Luke 17:20-17:37 Video Link
335 Leviticus 2:1-2:16 Ezekiel 28:1-28:26 Luke 18:1-18:17 Video Link
336 Leviticus 3:1-3:17 Ezekiel 29:1-29:21 Luke 18:18-18:43 Video Link
337 Leviticus 4:1-4:35 Ezekiel 30:1-30:26 Luke 19:1-19:10 Video Link
338 Leviticus 5:1-5:19 Ezekiel 31:1-31:18 Luke 19:11-19:28 Video Link
339 Leviticus 6:1-6:30 Ezekiel 32:1-32:16 Luke 19:29-19:48 Video Link
340 Leviticus 7:1-7:38 Ezekiel 32:17-32:32 Luke 20:1-20:26 Video Link
341 Leviticus 8:1-8:36 Ezekiel 33:1-33:20 Luke 20:27-20:47 Video Link
342 Leviticus 9:1-9:24 Ezekiel 33:21-33:33 Luke 21:1-21:19 Video Link
343 Leviticus 10:1-10:20 Ezekiel 34:1-34:31 Luke 21:20-21:38 Video Link
344 Leviticus 11:1-11:23 Ezekiel 35:1-35:15 Luke 22:1-22:20 Video Link
345 Leviticus 11:24-11:47 Ezekiel 36:1-36:23 Luke 22:21-22:46 Video Link
346 Leviticus 12:1-13:28 Ezekiel 36:24-36:38 Luke 22:47-22:71 Video Link
347 Leviticus 13:29-13:59 Ezekiel 37:1-37:28 Luke 23:1-23:19 Video Link
348 Leviticus 14:1-14:32 Ezekiel 38:1-38:23 Luke 23:20-23:38 Video Link
349 Leviticus 14:33-14:57 Ezekiel 39:1-39:16 Luke 23:39-23:56 Not Yet Recorded
350 Leviticus 15:1-15:33 Ezekiel 39:17-39:29 Luke 24:1-24:32 Not Yet Recorded
351 Leviticus 16:1-16:34 Ezekiel 40:1-40:23 Luke 24:33-24:53 Not Yet Recorded
352 Leviticus 17:1-17:16 Ezekiel 40:24-40:49 1 Timothy 1:1-1:20 Not Yet Recorded
353 Leviticus 18:1-18:30 Ezekiel 41:1-41:26 1 Timothy 2:1-2:15 Not Yet Recorded
354 Leviticus 19:1-19:18 Ezekiel 42:1-42:20 1 Timothy 3:1-3:16 Not Yet Recorded
355 Leviticus 19:19-19:37 Ezekiel 43:1-43:27 1 Timothy 4:1-4:16 Not Yet Recorded
356 Leviticus 20:1-20:27 Ezekiel 44:1-44:31 1 Timothy 5:1-5:25 Not Yet Recorded
357 Leviticus 21:1-21:24 Ezekiel 45:1-45:25 1 Timothy 6:1-6:21 Not Yet Recorded
358 Leviticus 22:1-22:33 Ezekiel 46:1-46:24 2 Timothy 1:1-1:18 Not Yet Recorded
359 Leviticus 23:1-23:22 Ezekiel 47:1-47:23 2 Timothy 2:1-2:26 Not Yet Recorded
360 Leviticus 23:23-23:44 Ezekiel 48:1-48:22 2 Timothy 3:1-3:17 Not Yet Recorded
361 Leviticus 24:1-24:23 Ezekiel 48:23-48:35 2 Timothy 4:1-4:22 Not Yet Recorded
362 Leviticus 25:1-25:34 Ezra 1:1-1:11 Hebrews 1:1-1:14 Not Yet Recorded
363 Leviticus 25:35-25:55 Ezra 2:1-2:17 Hebrews 2:1-2:18 Not Yet Recorded
364 Leviticus 26:1-26:26 Ezra 2:18-2:35 Hebrews 3:1-3:19 Not Yet Recorded
365 Leviticus 26:27-26:46 Ezra 2:36-2:54 Hebrews 4:1-4:16 Not Yet Recorded
366 Leviticus 27:1-27:34 Ezra 2:55-2:70 Hebrews 5:1-5:14 Not Yet Recorded
367 Numbers 1:1-1:29 Ezra 3:1-3:13 Hebrews 6:1-6:20 Not Yet Recorded
368 Numbers 1:30-1:54 Ezra 4:1-4:24 Hebrews 7:1-7:28 Not Yet Recorded
369 Numbers 2:1-2:34 Ezra 5:1-5:17 Hebrews 8:1-8:13 Not Yet Recorded
370 Numbers 3:1-3:20 Ezra 6:1-6:22 Hebrews 9:1-9:28 Not Yet Recorded
371 Numbers 3:21-3:51 Ezra 7:1-7:28 Hebrews 10:1-10:22 Not Yet Recorded
372 Numbers 4:1-4:20 Ezra 8:1-8:17 Hebrews 10:23-10:39 Not Yet Recorded
373 Numbers 4:21-4:49 Ezra 8:18-8:36 Hebrews 11:1-11:19 Not Yet Recorded
374 Numbers 5:1-5:31 Ezra 9:1-9:15 Hebrews 11:20-11:40 Not Yet Recorded
375 Numbers 6:1-6:27 Ezra 10:1-10:22 Hebrews 12:1-12:29 Not Yet Recorded
376 Numbers 7:1-7:29 Ezra 10:23-10:44 Hebrews 13:1-13:25 Not Yet Recorded
377 Numbers 7:30-7:59 Nehemiah 1:1-1:11 Acts 1:1-1:26 Not Yet Recorded
378 Numbers 7:60-7:89 Nehemiah 2:1-2:20 Acts 2:1-2:21 Not Yet Recorded
379 Numbers 8:1-8:26 Nehemiah 3:1-3:16 Acts 2:22-2:47 Not Yet Recorded
380 Numbers 9:1-9:23 Nehemiah 3:17-3:32 Acts 3:1-3:26 Not Yet Recorded
381 Numbers 10:1-10:36 Nehemiah 4:1-4:23 Acts 4:1-4:22 Not Yet Recorded
382 Numbers 11:1-11:35 Nehemiah 5:1-5:19 Acts 4:23-4:37 Not Yet Recorded
383 Numbers 12:1-12:16 Nehemiah 6:1-6:19 Acts 5:1-5:18 Not Yet Recorded
384 Numbers 13:1-13:20 Nehemiah 7:1-7:19 Acts 5:19-5:42 Not Yet Recorded
385 Numbers 13:21-14:9 Nehemiah 7:20-7:38 Acts 6:1-6:15 Not Yet Recorded
386 Numbers 14:10-14:39 Nehemiah 7:39-7:56 Acts 7:1-7:21 Not Yet Recorded
387 Numbers 14:40-15:16 Nehemiah 7:57-7:73 Acts 7:22-7:41 Not Yet Recorded
388 Numbers 15:17-15:36 Nehemiah 8:1-8:18 Acts 7:42-7:60 Not Yet Recorded
389 Numbers 15:37-16:15 Nehemiah 9:1-9:19 Acts 8:1-8:24 Not Yet Recorded
390 Numbers 16:16-16:35 Nehemiah 9:20-9:38 Acts 8:25-8:40 Not Yet Recorded
391 Numbers 16:36-17:13 Nehemiah 10:1-10:19 Acts 9:1-9:21 Not Yet Recorded
392 Numbers 18:1-18:32 Nehemiah 10:20-10:39 Acts 9:22-9:43 Not Yet Recorded
393 Numbers 19:1-19:22 Nehemiah 11:1-11:17 Acts 10:1-10:23 Not Yet Recorded
394 Numbers 20:1-20:29 Nehemiah 11:18-11:36 Acts 10:24-10:48 Not Yet Recorded
395 Numbers 21:1-21:35 Nehemiah 12:1-12:22 Acts 11:1-11:18 Not Yet Recorded
396 Numbers 22:1-22:19 Nehemiah 12:23-12:47 Acts 11:19-12:4 Not Yet Recorded
397 Numbers 22:20-22:41 Nehemiah 13:1-13:31 Acts 12:5-12:25 Not Yet Recorded
398 Numbers 23:1-23:30 Esther 1:1-1:22 Acts 13:1-13:27 Not Yet Recorded
399 Numbers 24:1-24:25 Esther 2:1-2:23 Acts 13:28-13:52 Not Yet Recorded
400 Numbers 25:1-25:18 Esther 3:1-3:15 Acts 14:1-14:28 Not Yet Recorded
401 Numbers 26:1-26:29 Esther 4:1-4:17 Acts 15:1-15:21 Not Yet Recorded
402 Numbers 26:30-26:65 Esther 5:1-5:14 Acts 15:22-15:41 Not Yet Recorded
403 Numbers 27:1-27:23 Esther 6:1-6:14 Acts 16:1-16:24 Not Yet Recorded
404 Numbers 28:1-28:31 Esther 7:1-7:10 Acts 16:25-16:40 Not Yet Recorded
405 Numbers 29:1-29:19 Esther 8:1-8:17 Acts 17:1-17:15 Not Yet Recorded
406 Numbers 29:20-29:40 Esther 9:1-10:3 Acts 17:16-17:34 Not Yet Recorded
407 Numbers 30:1-30:16 Hosea 1:1-2:23 Acts 18:1-18:28 Not Yet Recorded
408 Numbers 31:1-31:24 Hosea 3:1-4:19 Acts 19:1-19:20 Not Yet Recorded
409 Numbers 31:25-31:54 Hosea 5:1-6:11 Acts 19:21-19:41 Not Yet Recorded
410 Numbers 32:1-32:33 Hosea 7:1-7:16 Acts 20:1-20:16 Not Yet Recorded
411 Numbers 32:34-33:21 Hosea 8:1-8:14 Acts 20:17-20:38 Not Yet Recorded
412 Numbers 33:22-33:56 Hosea 9:1-9:17 Acts 21:1-21:17 Not Yet Recorded
413 Numbers 34:1-34:29 Hosea 10:1-10:15 Acts 21:18-21:36 Not Yet Recorded
414 Numbers 35:1-35:34 Hosea 11:1-11:12 Acts 21:37-22:11 Not Yet Recorded
415 Numbers 36:1-36:13 Hosea 12:1-12:14 Acts 22:12-22:30 Not Yet Recorded
Deuteronomy 1:1-1:18
416 Deuteronomy 1:19-1:46 Hosea 13:1-14:9 Acts 23:1-23:16 Not Yet Recorded
417 Deuteronomy 2:1-2:23 Amos 1:1-1:15 Acts 23:17-23:35 Not Yet Recorded
418 Deuteronomy 2:24-3:7 Amos 2:1-2:16 Acts 24:1-24:27 Not Yet Recorded
419 Deuteronomy 3:8-3:29 Amos 3:1-4:13 Acts 25:1-25:27 Not Yet Recorded
420 Deuteronomy 4:1-4:20 Amos 5:1-5:27 Acts 26:1-26:18 Not Yet Recorded
421 Deuteronomy 4:21-4:49 Amos 6:1-6:14 Acts 26:19-27:3 Not Yet Recorded
422 Deuteronomy 5:1-5:22 Amos 7:1-7:17 Acts 27:4-27:19 Not Yet Recorded
423 Deuteronomy 5:23-6:9 Amos 8:1-8:14 Acts 27:20-27:44 Not Yet Recorded
424 Deuteronomy 6:10-7:4 Amos 9:1-9:15 Acts 28:1-28:15 Not Yet Recorded
425 Deuteronomy 7:5-7:26 Obadiah 1:1-1:21 Acts 28:16-28:31 Not Yet Recorded
426 Deuteronomy 8:1-8:20 Joel 1:1-1:20 Titus 1:1-2:8 Not Yet Recorded
427 Deuteronomy 9:1-9:21 Joel 2:1-2:14 Titus 2:9-3:15 Not Yet Recorded
428 Deuteronomy 9:22-10:13 Joel 2:15-2:32 Philemon 1:1-1:25 Not Yet Recorded
429 Deuteronomy 10:14-11:12 Joel 3:1-3:21 1 John 1:1-2:11 Not Yet Recorded
430 Deuteronomy 11:13-11:32 Jonah 1:1-1:17 1 John 2:12-2:29 Not Yet Recorded
431 Deuteronomy 12:1-12:32 Jonah 2:1-3:4 1 John 3:1-3:24 Not Yet Recorded
432 Deuteronomy 13:1-13:18 Jonah 3:5-4:11 1 John 4:1-4:21 Not Yet Recorded
433 Deuteronomy 14:1-14:29 Micah 1:1-1:16 1 John 5:1-5:21 Not Yet Recorded
434 Deuteronomy 15:1-15:23 Micah 2:1-3:12 2 John 1:1-1:13 Not Yet Recorded
435 Deuteronomy 16:1-16:22 Micah 4:1-5:15 3 John 1:1-1:14 Not Yet Recorded
436 Deuteronomy 17:1-17:20 Micah 6:1-6:16 Jude 1:1-1:25 Not Yet Recorded
437 Deuteronomy 18:1-18:22 Micah 7:1-7:20 Revelation 1:1-1:20 Not Yet Recorded
438 Deuteronomy 19:1-19:21 Daniel 1:1-1:21 Revelation 2:1-2:29 Not Yet Recorded
439 Deuteronomy 20:1-20:20 Daniel 2:1-2:16 Revelation 3:1-3:22 Not Yet Recorded
440 Deuteronomy 21:1-21:23 Daniel 2:17-2:25 Revelation 4:1-5:14 Not Yet Recorded
441 Deuteronomy 22:1-22:30 Daniel 2:26-2:49 Revelation 6:1-6:17 Not Yet Recorded
442 Deuteronomy 23:1-23:25 Daniel 3:1-3:13 Revelation 7:1-7:17 Not Yet Recorded
443 Deuteronomy 24:1-24:22 Daniel 3:14-3:30 Revelation 8:1-8:13 Not Yet Recorded
444 Deuteronomy 25:1-25:19 Daniel 4:1-4:18 Revelation 9:1-9:21 Not Yet Recorded
445 Deuteronomy 26:1-26:19 Daniel 4:19-4:37 Revelation 10:1-10:11 Not Yet Recorded
446 Deuteronomy 27:1-27:26 Daniel 5:1-5:16 Revelation 11:1-11:19 Not Yet Recorded
447 Deuteronomy 28:1-28:22 Daniel 5:17-5:31 Revelation 12:1-12:17 Not Yet Recorded
448 Deuteronomy 28:23-28:44 Daniel 6:1-6:28 Revelation 13:1-13:18 Not Yet Recorded
449 Deuteronomy 28:45-28:68 Daniel 7:1-7:28 Revelation 14:1-14:20 Not Yet Recorded
450 Deuteronomy 29:1-29:29 Daniel 8:1-8:27 Revelation 15:1-16:21 Not Yet Recorded
451 Deuteronomy 30:1-30:20 Daniel 9:1-9:27 Revelation 17:1-17:18 Not Yet Recorded
452 Deuteronomy 31:1-31:29 Daniel 10:1-10:21 Revelation 18:1-18:24 Not Yet Recorded
453 Deuteronomy 31:30-32:25 Daniel 11:1-11:14 Revelation 19:1-19:21 Not Yet Recorded
454 Deuteronomy 32:26-32:52 Daniel 11:15-11:27 Revelation 20:1-20:15 Not Yet Recorded
455 Deuteronomy 33:1-33:29 Daniel 11:28-11:45 Revelation 21:1-21:27 Not Yet Recorded
456 Deuteronomy 34:1-34:12 Daniel 12:1-12:13 Revelation 22:1-22:21 Not Yet Recorded